The Elites (part 5)

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Chapter 5

Everyone at school already knew that I was rich so they weren't surprised when I drove into the parking lot. I parked my car and we both got out and headed to school. I made sure that I was walking with a minor slouch and that I appeared a little clumsy. As we walked by other people they turned around with disgust. Mostly because I'm the ungrateful rich emo who is 'a worthless shit' so yeah. Can't you feel the love?

As we were getting closer to the door a commotion to my right made me turn my head and look. Ahh it was only Hailey arriving to school. Sometimes I feel bad for Haley, she has to keep the act up of being a stuck up bitch. Well she used to be a 100% bitch but after she went through the process of receiving her powers (which I might say is not fun) she changed.

Hailey pulls into the parking lot and gets out of her new Chrysler. She flips her platinum blond hair, and sashays toward the popular group. But before she gets there we make eye contact, and she smiles a little. No doubt thinking about what happened last night. But her smile was quickly replaced by a haughty look that I knew so well.

Turning my attention back to Riley we made it inside the school and we headed to our lockers. All 6 of our lockers were next to each other. To the other people it was just bad luck for Hailey to have a locker next to me, but of course it was done on purpose. People wouldn't know that we would be relaying information, or if we were discussing a new mission. But usually we don't need to do that during school.

I opened my locker and checked on what I had for first period. A.P. Calc well at least it's something easy. Then again everything is easy to me now that I'm not an average person anymore. I grabbed my books, said bye to Riley and headed off to my class.

I walked in quietly and sat in the furthest seat from the board. The thing about A.P classes that I like the most is that there are no cocky jocks in it, usually. And if I haven't told you before, I'm telling you now I HATE THEM!

Ok I didn't used to hate them but before when I was an average rich girl....Ok when your rich you're not really average but you get my drift. I used to be in the popular crowd dating the popular guys. And I had never really taken any of my boyfriends seriously... until I met Craig. Oh and this was in 9th grade.

At first I thought that he was different. And boy was I wrong. On the outside he was nice, caring, cool and handsome. He was nice to the geeky people, and he was smart too. Plus he played football and athletic. I'm guessing that he pretended to be those things to lure in girls. And it worked.

He was sweet and caring when we were dating, but after awhile the real side of him started to show. I was a virgin then, and unlike some sluts in our school I wasn't too keen on sex. And after a week or two of dating he started pressuring me about it. I mean I thought that he was great and all but I just wasn't ready for it yet. But Craig had other plans.

We were driving home from a late night date, and we had stopped and were having a make out session, but after a while he started groping me here and there, and I tried to stop him but......

"Craig, stop I'm not ready to have sex with you yet." I said. "Come on Vicky!" Craig said in an exasperated voice. "You're always not ready! When are you going to trust me enough!?" And he continued to trail kisses down my throat and he started to unbutton my shirt but I pushed him away. "Craig! I said that I'm not having sex with you right now! Jeez and if you don't stop, I'm very capable of walking home by myself. And don't even think about trying anything on me, you know I've taken self defense classes before!"

But that didn't stop him at all.

He looks at me and says, "I know"

And then he grabs my arms and legs and ties them so that I can't move, and after he rapes me he drops me out of the car and drives away. Not before saying "Don't even try to tell other people at school, they won't believe you. I mean who would they believe? Me the golden boy or you? Some stuck up rich bitch?! Ha!" and that was how I was raped by my 'wonderful' boyfriend.

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