The Elites (part 4)

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Chapter 4

With them gone it was going to be easy to escape. Just as I had predicted Mr. Devan was going to let everyone free, but keeping someone with him so that they would come back for the hostage later. Then he would have used the hostage to lead him to where we brang the bomb to. Or let every one escape, but he would have put a tracking device on the hostage. And then take the bomb back and kill everybody. At least that's what I'm guessing.

The guards took me to another room. As we passed hallways and doors I tried to remember the route we were taking. We took some lefts and rights and came to a dead end. They shoved me through the door and locked it shut afterwards. Then I heard some footsteps fading away. But judging from the sound of footsteps 1 or 2 guards stayed behind.

I sighed and then turned around to survey the room. It was another small square room. Jeez how many rooms does he need? It had a chair pushed against the wall. There were no windows in this room either, but on the right was a door. I walked over and opened the door; it was a bathroom, with a toilet and all. Well aint Mr. Devan considerate of his hostages?

It's been 6 min since I talked to Brigitte. That means I have 4 min to get out of here. This is going t be easy.

As you know I had predicted that this much was going to happen.

Had our confrontation in the other room turned badly I would have had to transport everybody in my team into the shadow realm. And that would have taken lot of energy. That's why it was going to be my last resort. But since things went well all I have to do is sneak out of here.

So I slipped into the shadow realm and slithered over to the doors shadow, and peeped over to see what was on the other side. My power enables me to see what's happening in the normal world while I'm in the shadow realm. I mean how else was I going to see where I was going?

There where 2 guards, 1 on the left ad 1 on the right. I suddenly got this great idea; this is going to be fun.

I moved up the door, but since the guards were facing the hallway they didn't notice me. So I let the upper half of my body come out of the shadow realm while the bottom half was still in the shadow realm.

I tapped them over their shoulders, and when they whirled around my hair was covering my face and I gave them my best creepy smile. And before they could make a sound I knocked them both on the head.

With them out of the way I popped out and ran forward, turning left, and then right. And I found myself back in the hallway that had brang us to the secret room. And there was no sign of guards.

So I kept running.

But suddenly I froze. I could hear footsteps close by. I slid over to the wall and stealthily moved closer to the bend of the hallway, not making a sound. The footsteps continued to get louder and as much as I liked kicking people's butts, but from the sound of the footsteps there was gong to be a lot of people. Around 30 and that's a lot for one person to take on, especially if they have guns.

I had no choice but to slip into the shadow realm. And just when I did the group of 30 men passed by. I started moving in my shadow form just in case anyone else was coming. I've been running around for a minute now, so I better hurry up. So I started sprinting, and I finally came to an exit. It was a window inside a room. And how might you ask that I can see it? Its cause the door was wide open. Probably from rushing out the room when he heard that there was an intruder. And by the looks of it was one of the guards rooms, cause it was pretty plain looking.

I finally figured that the floor had been slowly slanting downward so that it went underground. So the room that I was previously in had been underground, but since I had been running for a while now I was at the part of the building that was above ground. So I quickly pooped up and rushed over to the window and quickly opened it and jumped out.

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