The Elites (part 9)

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Chapter 9

So were stuck in a plane that really small and it smells like there where a dozen sweaty sumo wrestlers jammed in here before we got on. So you get the picture.

While I was trying not to up chuck from the awful smell I was trying out the sunglasses. They were pretty neat and it was awesome when you activated the X-ray mode you could see through the plane into the outside world.

After who knows how long we saw the first signs of the desert. Well at least that meant we were finally getting closer to our destination. Soon it became dark and I have no clue how this little plane can travel so far with that little tank of gas. After an hour though we landed and Jamar lead the way through the desert. Truthfully speaking I have no idea how he can tell where were going, I mean everything looked the same to me!

Jamar kept a steady pace and didn't stop and look back to see if we were following, but stopped now and then and looked around as if making sure that we were going the right way. We walked for another hour and finally something happened.

Turning around Jamar motioned with his hand to be still. He slowly moved forward towards a piece of grass. Wait what! Grass! I must be either one, I'm hallucinating or two were close to an oasis. But I didn't think about it as, we stood still while Jamar was doing something funky with the plant, but we couldn't see anything because his back was facing us. But guess what a few seconds later the ground was vibrating and there was a faint sound of metal grinding, only loud enough for Alzmic holders enhanced ears to hear it.

Now to the left of Jamar the sand started to shift, a lump rose up and the sand started falling off of it rapidly until there a door leading underground appeared. Faint light was coming from the door.

"Let me go in first and do not do anything unnecessary. And you MUST do as I say and I will do the taking." Jamar ordered before entering.

Looking at my group I shrugged and followed suit.

There were stairs leading down and Jamar was already half way down the stairs. We quickly followed him not wanting to be separated from our guide. At the bottom of the stairs we were greeted by a long hallway, torches lit the room letting us see that the opposite end was a door. As we started walking towards the other door the ceiling above us closed leaving us in the torch lights.

We reached the door and Jamar tapped it a few times and it slid open. There were guards that did not seem to be too happy to see the guests they had.

Jamar was arguing with them in hushed voices making gestures towards us. But I guess they were letting us in cause Jamar turned to us, "Remember do as I say, they-"he said pointing to the guards. "Are already uneasy about me bringing you here with me so do not do anything that will provoke them." With that he turned around and walked through the open doors.

As we passed through I couldn't help but notice the looks the guards were giving us, let's just say they weren't exactly friendly, but there was something else in there too. Not sure what though, and it was making me feel uneasy.

We zigzagged through the underground tunnel, taking lefts and rights, and going through a few door. I didn't even try to remember the way we came in from because after the 10th right turn we took I gave up. But I have a feeling that we were only taking so many turns to confuse us. I bet that there's probably an easy route to the place that were heading and all the detours are just to confuse us so that we won't remember the way out.

And boy is it working.

Finally we reached our least that's what I think. Jamar opened the door and...yup were here all right.

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