Chapter 1: The Fall

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The sun was beating down on Titans tower, no hint of clouds in the sky for the moment. A year or so had passed since the Titan's Tokyo trip. Training had just finished and the team was spending their free time, well, freely. Robin was running through the obstacle course, continuing his training session. He had relaxed a little after he and Starfire started dating, but knew he had to stay fit, being the only member without powers of some sort. Cyborg was working on his car, repairing any dents from the last battle. The T-Car was still his pride and joy, though his friends knew there was something happening between him and Bumblebee. Starfire was in the kitchen making another bizarre recipe for her friends while Beast boy was playing video games in the front room. He must've been close to sixteen and his maturity had grown with him for the most part. He still played the occasional prank but not as extreme as his younger self. To no one's surprise, Raven was on the roof, meditating. Her powers had continued to grow, but with them came more meditation.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

This was her favorite meditation spot. The waves provided the perfect amount of white noise, and the salt air. The rest of the Titans didn't frequent the roof as much, so interruptions weren't as common. And focus was key today, as she had had a vision. She had been so worried that morning that she had skipped breakfast and went straight to the roof before training.

Raven's cape billowed around her as she floated in midair. Her hair tickled the back of her neck as the breeze blew through it. Suddenly, she felt a pinprick at the base of her scalp before a shock sent down her spine paralyzed her. She cried out before falling into unconsciousness. The force of gravity and the shock caused her to roll towards the edge of the roof. She almost remained on the edge. Almost.


Beast boy saw through the window a dark blur fall past. On instinct, he jumped through the window and turned into a hummingbird. That's Raven! He thought frantically. He transformed into a pterodactyl and, just barely, caught and lowered her to safety. She was breathing, but not waking up. "Guys! S-something's wrong with Raven!" Beast boy stammered into his communicator.

The Titans rushed to their location. Raven was still unconscious. Starfire gasped, "What has happened to her?"

"All I know is that she fell from the roof..." Beast boy gulped.

"Her vitals are normal, but I can't know more until I run more tests..." Cyborg muttered as he picked up Raven.

The team rushed up the jagged rocks as quickly as the terrain would allow. Just as they made it to the tower, however, the alarm blared. Robin sprinted to the computer. "Looks like Cinderblock is on the loose again. Cyborg, stay with Raven, we'll deal with Cinderblock."


"Uhh," Raven moaned. Her vision was blurry, her head throbbed, and she felt like she was going to puke. She lay there, trying to collect herself. Eventually, in spite of how she felt, she forced her eyes fully open and took in her fuzzy surroundings. "What?" she whispered in confusion. Even through the haze, she recognized where she was. How did I get here without my portal?

"We aren't quite sure, but we've got a problem." Brave spoke quickly and helped Raven up. Her balance was skewed to the left and pain shot through her. But she remained standing nonetheless. Brave pointed up at Rage. But Raven had already sensed the trouble.

"We need to act quickly..." Nevermore looked the same as ever: floating rock pathways in a red speckled black sky. Leaf-less trees were sprinkled everywhere with black birds perched all around.

"While you were unconscious I gathered everyone" chimed Knowledge.

Raven gingerly took a step forward on her own. I hope I can do this...


"Hmm, there seems to be some sort of drug in your system... But what could it be?" Cyborg pondered aloud to Raven. This was one of many questions he had. Who did this to you? Why you? How did they do it? An hour or so had passed since the rest of the team had left. Cyborg was about to call them on the communicator when they rushed in.

"Find anything?" Robin inquired. Starfire immediately went to Raven's bedside.

"She's got this drug in her system. I've deduced that that must be what's keeping her from waking. Her brain activity is also off the charts..."

Robin took the information and mulled it over. Who has the kind of resources to do this? Not many people can sneak up on Raven, especially while she's- But he didn't have long before trouble was back. The alarm thundered through the tower. "What now...?" he muttered under his breath in frustration. Cyborg brought the information onto his interface.

"Great, now we gotta deal with Plasmus!"

"Aw, man! How'd he get out again?!" Beast boy whined.

"No, you stay here and continue tests. We'll deal with Plasmus" Robin ordered. Starfire threw her gaze backward as she flew, worry etched into her face.


Are you sure you can handle this...? whispered Timid.

"I have to" replied Raven. I have no choice, otherwise I can harm my friends. Raven and her emotions were combined now, ready to fight. Her vision was still slightly blurry and her head continued to pound, but the added strength of her personalities steadied her movements. They approached Rage as quickly as they could. "Why don't you stay in your place?!"

Rage's four eyes looked nastier than ever before. She had grown in size like the last time they fought like this, but she retained her Raven features. "I will conquer you this time. I guarantee it." And thus the battle had begun. Rage sprinted at Raven, bringing her arm back for a punch. Raven narrowly dodged the blow, thrown off by the nature of the attack. She returned with a well-aimed kick but was too slow. Rage took her foot and twisted. Raven lost balance and fell flat on her face.

Ow. She rolled over and directed dark energy at Rage's face. But Rage had already sent her own energy at her. The two energies fought to gain more area. I can't... hold it... much... longer Raven thought in fear. The red energy inched closer and closer until it reached her and blasted the personalities apart. Before Raven blacked out she heard Rage in the distance.

"Your body is now mine."


The titans, drenched in worry for their comrade, were slower with their attacks against Plasmus. It took a whole minute before Starfire followed up Robin's attack of freeze disks. Their minds were elsewhere, and their focus was off. Another 45 seconds before Beast boy realized it was his turn. Robin saved Starfire from a toxic bath as Plasmus took advantage of the pause in attacks. Quickly Robin realized why the fight was lasting as long as it was. "Guys, we need to focus, otherwise this is could continue on for hours. We don't have that kind of time."

Starfire acknowledged this and let it fuel her fury. Beast boy had to keep shaking his head violently, the images of Raven falling through the air invading his thoughts. Plasmus noticed this and decided to descend on him next. "Beast boy!" Starfire called, trying to make him realize that he was a target. "No. You will not hurt my friend!" she roared. She followed this statement with enough star bolts to redirect Plasmus's path to a wall. Starfire immediately flew to Beast boy. "You are uninjured?" she asked.

"Yea, thanks, Starfire" he replied. The team regrouped, formulated a better strategy, based on trapping the creature and knocking it out instead of random attacks, and finally defeated Plasmus.

"Come on team, we need to get back to the tower."

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