Chapter 9

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Ronnie Pov:

Its been a whole week since Ashleys talked to me. Shes so pissed off, she only came out of her room to eat,use the restroom,shower & to go an excise in our gym in the house.I need to to something and something fast to get her to forgive me. I know what I did was maybe just a tiny bit over the top but im a father now, I dont want her to me hurt. She's already been hurt enough being in that orphanage.

I think I know what i have to do but first i want to make sure im making the right one. i grabbed my phone and dialed Ryans number.

"Hey Ronnie, Whats Up?" Ryan says.

" Can you meet me at the coffee shop by my house? I need to talk to you ab." and with that i hung up and got some shoes on. I headed upstairs to tell Ashley that i was leaving, not that she cared anyway.

~Skipping The Car Ride~

I arrived at the coffee shop and Ryan was already here. I made my way over to him ready to get this over with.

"So Ryan," I began. "Ashley hasn't talked to me in a week,Im pretty sure it happened because i made you guys break up and not see eachother .. I dont want that anymore, I want her to talk to me again, I've messed up so bad and i didnt think it'd hurt her that much. I wanted you to come here so i can make sure of a couple things."

"If you're wondering if ill ever hurt her, then im going to be honest with you and say i cant promise you that" Ryan began. I wanted to punch him in the face right then and there but i know i cant because one im in public, im lucky that no girls have spotted us yet, and two im sure he'll explain himself.. he better. "but i can only try my hardest to not hurt her, will there be bumps in the road? of course every couple has one. Will I say things I dont mean? yes i will, im sure she will too. I just want a chance with her, i dont love her cause i barely know her and stuff but i do have a lot of feelings towards her, Ronnie just please give us a chance yeah it might be a bit weird at first but that doesnt matter to me, i really really really like her."

I was not expecting that.. at all. Im hoping what im about to say wont bite me in the ass later but i know it will.

"Okay, you guys can date, BUT if you hurt my babygirl i will chop your hands off and shove them down your throat got it?" I just had to throw that in there, oops.

"thank you so much! You wont regret it!"

"Oh I better not drummer!"

Ashleys Pov

Its been a week since ive talked to Ronald.. yes Ronald because he pissed me off. I dont understand why he flipped out, hes acting as if hes my real dad, which he is most definietly NOT. I dont really come out of my room so i dont have to talk to him. If i do then its to eat, use the restroom and to exercise in the exercising room. I try to avoid him as much as possible if im honest, I just cant believe he would do that, i thought he was a cool guy.

I herd the front door open and close, i was a little curious so i went down there and i saw that Ronnie was pulling out of the drive way. I wonder why he didnt tell me he was leaving. I was tempted to text him but i couldnt because im supposed to be mad at him. I havent talked to Ryan since that day. Id be lying if i were to say it didnt hurt. I thought he genuinely liked me, I guess I was wrong though.

I decided I should go work out now since I just ate some Hot Cheetos, and ate a big ass burger that I made. I got changed into my spandex and a sports bra, put my socks and nikes on then I went into the work out room Thats down the hall.

*Skipping Her Workout*

After almost 2 hours of working out I decided to call it quits. I took a quick shower and then I decided to just put on sweats and a black tank and call it a day. I went over to my bed got my laptop, and laid down. I got netflix up and running then I watched a couple episodes of Life Unexpected. I was on my 5th episode when I herd the front door open and close.

"Ashley, come here please." Ronnie's voices boomed through the hallways. I didn't say anything I just got up and made my way down the hallways and stairs.

"Ashley Co-"

"I'm here, what do you want ?"

"Turn around." I turned around and saw Ryan there with roses. I couldn't help but smile and run up to him.

"Ashley, Im sorry about blowing up, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I'm still new at this whole dad thing so it's going to take time, can you please forgive me ?" Ronnie said

Did he do this for me? I mean obviously but I was confused because he basically murdered his band mate for someone he barely knew. He must have seen the confusion on my face because he started to speak up.

"Look, I know I overreacted big time and Im sorry. During the time we didn't talk it killed me. I know Im your idol and I don't want you to think Im this guy who's always means and who's not who you expected me to be. I just do-"

"Ronnie it's okay, I know I was being a drama queen I should've told you that we were dating right away. He's like your brother and I know that if I were me in your situation I would have done the same thing. You're wrong about one thing though, You're not my idol" I saw hurt and confusion cross his eyes. "You're my dad which is something way more, something I've never really had."

"Come here kid!" I ran into Ronnie's arms and Thats when the water works came on. They didn't last for long just two minutes or less. I pulled away from Ronnie. When I turned around I nearly jumped out of my socks!

"Oh my gosh, Ryan I forgot you were here, oops!"

"It's okay love, I didnt want to interrupt you guys." he said , awh how sweet! Then I leaned in and pecked his lips.

"DID NOT WANT TO SEE THAT!! OWWW MY EYES!! THEY BURN!" Ronnie yelled while running away. I missed talking to my dad. Dad. Im happy I finally have a Dad, and one who actually loves me.

A/N: hey guys ! Sorry it took me ages to update ! I was trying to make this as awesome as I could ! and long too! I hope you liked this (: AWH they're back to a happy family & Ryley are back together again yay! I'll try and update by Friday if not Im Sorrry Im really bad at these .-. Anyway ! Comment, vote & follow me ❤️

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