Chapter 3

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I had woken up to a loud noise coming from downstairs. For a second i didnt want to go down there and see what had happened, but i decided to so i got on my slippers and headed down stairs.When i got there i saw that the door had been beaten down. I looked for my dad around the couch but then i herd something outside. When i went out there i saw him on the floor holding his hand on him stomache. "Dad what happened?!' i asked freaking out. "it... wa-a-as Someone I-I Didn't Reconi-ize 

, g-o ge-et the guys!" he said studdering a little bit. " JACKY,RON,DEREK,RYAN!!! Get out here NOW!!!!!" I yelled from the front door. I quickly ran out to my dad to find him in the same position he was when i left him. " WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" Ron Said. "Did you do this?' Jacky said "Yes Jacky, cause i would stab him in the stomache just for fun!" i said sarcasticallly

"Call the paramedics" Derek said. I started calling 911 but i guess somebody had called them already. I herd them turning the corner so i just hung up. They came down the street and parked in front of the drive way. They rushed to Ronnie with the stretcher, put him on it and took him to the truck.  

"I'm sorry miss you can't come in here." The ambulance guy told me 

"But I'm his daughter !" I yelled  

"I'm sorry,come in." He motioned me into the truck.  

We got to the hospital 20 minutes later. They rushed him between doors but I had gotten stopped because I couldn't go back there.  

"This Is Bullshit .!" I yelled at the guy telling me i couldn't go back with my dad.  

"I'm sorry miss but that's a restricted area." He told me with a sympathetic look. I turned around in tears to find the boys piling in and I ran to the first person I saw.  


30 minutes later the doctor came out with a clip board. 

"Ashely Radke.?" He asked looking around  

" Right here , is he going to be okay?!" I asked  

" he's going to be fine , the cut wasn't to deep, but he did need 4 stitches." He said  

" make sure he takes it easy for two weeks. You can go in and see him if you'd like." He said with a smile  

" thank you so much doctor, you saved my daddy's life.!" I said in tears of joy. 

*knock knock* 

"come in." I herd Ronnie say.  

" hey, what's up" he said with a smile on his face.  

" how are you feeling daddy.?" I asked  

" Im feeling better, I can't believe that happened though." He said looking down 

"It happened so fast,I didn't know what to do ." Jacky said 

"Visiting hours are over, you can come back tomorrow." The nurse said. 

Jacky took me home and they all stayed the night there just to make sure Craig didn't try and come back. When we got home I went straight to my room. I got on my knees , put my hands together and prayed. This night was the very first time I prayed in a long time. "God, please let my dad be okay, i promise to be a better child , I'm not going to loose him , please let me be happy for once in my life. " I prayed and then went to sleep. 


A/N : hey guys sorry it took so long.! I'm using my phone and so I don't know how long it is but here you go<3 bye my little Rock And Rollers \m/  


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