Pete Wentz A Father? - Presents

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Skye's pov -

We spent the summer together, kinda like a family.

Wow it felt so weird saying that sentence, i had never had a family before. But all good things come to an end, i found myself packing away my stuff into my suitcase ready to leave America and this wonderful adventure and head back to crappy old England.

I sat on my suitcase to try and squash it all in but it didn't seem to be working.

"Need any help", pete said whilst walking into my room. I had gotten used to calling it my room, i didn't want to leave it all behind. I smiled sadly at Pete as he joined me on my suitcase.

"don't be said you can visit anytime", i was glad he would have me but that statement was hardly true, i couldn't visit "anytime" not with school and living ages away.

Pete helped me squash my suitcase enough so it would close and helped me drag it downstairs next to Molly's.

"wheres Molly?", i questioned him since she seemed to not be around.

"Your mum", Pete turned towards me, "has gone to get you a present", pete finished his sentence with a smile, turned and walked into the living room.

"a present?!?", i said way too excitedly. I coughed awkwardly and lowered my tone of excitement, "a present you say?".

I heard pete chuckle from the living room, "you'll have to wait and see".

I followed him into the living room, "well thats hardly fair".

~ 2 hours later ~

I wriggled in my seat, what was Molly getting me she hardly ever got me presents except on christmas and my birthday.

I sat watching tv with Pete for a couple of hours until i heard the front door open, i bolted up out of my seat and quickly walked to the door.

"well someones excited to see me", molly said smiling at me as she walked into the kitchen and placed a bunch of shopping bags onto the table.

"Er I just wounded if you needed any help with these bags?", i innocently asked trying to peer in them and see there content.

"none of those are for you Skye. Heres yours", molly pulled a bag from behind her and held it out in front of me.

I looked upon the giant bag with the biggest smile on my face. I grabbed it and looked inside. CD's, Skinny jeans, Band shirts and a new phone! I never got this much on christmas or my birthday combined. I practically jumped on molly with happiness but how did we afford this.

"you shouldn't be thanking me", Molly said pulling me off her.

Pete walked through into in the kitchen and leaned of the table. I turned round to face him, smiled then jumped on him with a big hug also.

"Thank you thank you thank you!", i couldn't stop saying that my brain was too happy to come up with a better way of saying thanks.

After fangirling over my new stuff and thanking Molly and Pete over and over again i sat down to study what i had actually got.

I pulled out 4 pairs of skinny jeans, red, black, purple and white. Next i pulled out the band t-shirts, Paramore, Greenday, Tonight Alive, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the disco and The Midnight Beast.

I loved them!

I laid them down in front of me to admire them more. After staring at my new shirts i looked back in the bag forgetting about the rest of the stuff. there were 5 CD's in there, Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll, Panic! at The Disco - Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!, the new Paramore album, Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to The King and Patrick Stump - Soul Punk. So many albums, this was the best day ever!

The last thing in the bag was a phone, an iPhone 5s. I had been living with a brick for a phone so upgrading to an iPhone was great. I did feel like all this stuff was to much, i felt bad that Pete spent all this money on me.

"why the sad face?", Pete said crouching down next to me.

"I feel bad, this stuff must have cost a lot".

Pete smiled and pulled me up, "hey, your my daughter I'm not going to be able to see you everyday but when i do i will always want to treat you. You mean the world to me and i want you to know that", i smiled at what pete just said, no one had ever said anything like that to me.

Pete brought be in for a hug and then Molly came in.

"Skye its time to go".


Hey guys sorry its such a short chapter I went to a house party last night and got in this morning all i can do is sleep so sorry if this isn't very good.

Thanks to everyone who is reading this luveeeeee youuuu :D

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