Pete Wentz A Father? - Was It Fate?

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Patrick's pov -

We, we just kissed!
I mean i have wanted to do that ever since Skye stayed at my house but it cant work....can it?
Me and Skye continued to stare at each other in silence until Joe popped his head around the corner.
"Patrickkkkk", he wined then left.
Thanks joe.
"U-umm i have to to", i blushed not knowing what to say.
"Y-yh", she nodded back before i had to quickly leave the room.
I cant believe we just kissed!
I made my way to the interview room and sat next to Pete, should i tell him? I cant, i just cant. I managed to sit through the interview and finally we all made our way back to the changing room. That was hell, sitting next to Pete made me feel very awkward. But even going to the changing room wasn't going to change anything since Skye was there.
"Hey Skye", Pete said walking through the door and smiling at Skye.
"H-hey", She replied before turning to me and blushing.
"We should all do something", Joe stated as he walked into the changing room.
"Why don't we all come back to mine, I'm sure Molly wont mind", Pete replied, Andy and Joe nodded. I guess theres no escaping the akwardness.
"Sure, if thats ok with Molly", i gave in.

Skye's pov -

I cant seem to look Patrick in the eyes anymore, i find myself starring more at the floor and not saying anything.
We reached our house and the guys made their way up the path.
"S-skye", i heard a faint voice from behind me. I turned round to see Patrick stood at the bottom fixing his glasses.
Oh god why did he have to look so cute!
I slowly walked down to the bottom of the path and stood in front of Him, everyone else had gone inside so it was just me and Patrick left alone on the garden path.
"Hi", i said almost in a whisper.
He gave me a small smile, "i think we need to talk".
"Yeh....", i replied feeling as awkward as ever.
Does he regret kissing me, i regret kissing him because now its awkward but ( with out sounding super cheesy) when i kissed him I'm sure i felt fireworks.
"I like you", Patrick said very quickly making it difficult for me to catch, "when you came to mine i started to like you but i tried to brush it off because i thought it was wrong. But when we kissed it felt right", he became silent at the end.
My stomach filled with butterflies at what i was about to say, " i- i like you too".

Patrick's pov -

Did she? Did she just say what i think she said?
I didn't have time to think, i crashed my lips onto hers, this was perfect. I wish it could be this way. We stayed in each others embrace for awhile before kissing again.
Was this meant to be?
Was it fate?
"Guys are you com-", me and Skye quickly pulled apart from each other and stared at Pete who was at the top of the path staring at us, "what the Hell are you doing!"


Sorry this chapter is so short i was just kinda getting it ready for the next one :D

Hope you enjoyed it


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