Pete Wentz A Father? - Telling The Truth

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Pete's pov -

On the way back from Patrick's Skye seemed to be to quite so i decided to turn on the radio to break the awkwardness.

Skye seemed to brighten up when "American Idiot" by Green day came blasting through my speakers.

I wonder what was wrong before?

When we got back to ours Skye shot of upstairs for a while before coming down.

"", she began clearly not wanting to tell me what was wrong.

"Whats up skye", i said with a small smile wondering if what she was about to tell me was bad.

Her eyes locked on mine for a couple of seconds before fixing themselves back to the floor, she was silent for a while before she stared to pull the sleeve of her hoodie up. I pulled my eyes away from Skye's sad face and fixed them on her scar covered arms.

I felt ill, why would she do this?

"....Skye...", i began not sure what to say to her, " why would you do this?".

Hundreds of questions filled my head, did she do this because Molly forced her to move here when she didn't want to? Did their band fall apart? Did her friend Hallow leave her?

"....Mark....", she replied almost in a whisper.

Mark he did this to her!

I stood up quickly, " what the hell did he do to you!".

Skye looked up to me, her eyes watering and her lip quivering.

Braking my heart.

"He hurt me .... And Molly", tears ran down Skye's cheeks, i felt like i had been punched in the stomach repeatedly.

He hurt Molly and skye and Molly's still with him!? I could feel the range burning up inside me, i knew he wasn't any good! I looked over to Skye who was crying, me being this way wasn't helping. I pulled her in gently for a hug and stroked the back of her head, it all makes sense now. Why Skye moved here, why Molly sent her away with no reason. I looked down to Skye's arms, the cuts were faded and so were the bruises, they's been there all this time.

Why didn't she tell me?

It was late so i told Skye to go to bed and not to worry, we shall sort it out in the morning. Skye nodded and made her way upstairs, i sat on the sofa and placed my head in my hands.

Ok time to think, what am I'm going to do? What am i going to do?

We have to help Molly.

Skye's pov -

I must have cried myself to sleep after what happened last night, i slowly made my way downstairs to see Pete hanging up a call.

"Morning skye", he said with a slight smile.

"Morning", i replied feeling the tears form in my eyes again.

We stood in silence for a couple of minutes, each of us waiting for the other to speak.

"We need to go back to England to help your mum", Pete said before looking down at the floor, "i cant bare to think of her with that man!".

"C-can Patrick come to?", i said looking down at the floor, with mark being at home i would feel safer if they were both there with me.

I looked up and Pete gave me a confused look but quickly brushed it off, " S-sure of course, ill tell him".

Patricks pov -

I wonder if Skye's ok, i wish she was here with me. My phone buzzed in my pocket and i pulled it out to see that i had received a text from pete.

Pete: skye told me about everything, I'm glad you looked after her. Were going to help Molly will you come with us, Skye wants you to.

Skye wants me to come, of course i will.

Patrick: of course i will.

I replied back almost instantly.

We boarded the plane and made our way to England, i looked over to Skye who was staring out the window. I placed my hand on her leg and smiled at her as she turned around.

Skye's pov -

I was so glad Patrick and Pete were with me, i couldn't do this alone.

Its time to save Molly.

Time to save my mum.


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter, sorry its short but I'm really tired. Its been a long week aha

Im going away  for the weekend and wont have the internet all the time so ill try and write some more Fanfiction while I'm rocking backwards and forwards in the corner XD


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