Chapter Four~

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He lunged at me but was kicked midair by a guy with striking grey eyes and wavy black hair. He landed perfectly and the boy fell, screaming. My eyes widen as the boy quickly recovered and he swung his claws at the guy. The guy ducked and quickly slide his foot against the boy's foot, causing him to trip.

"KEEERRACK!" The boy screeched like a wild bird and he thrashed around wildly as the guy placed his foot against his small chest.

"You could've died, girl." The guy finally spoke and he lower his eyes toward the boy.

"Wha-what is he?" I stammered.

The guy ignored me at first then injected a needle on the boy's neck. He went out in a second.


The guy stood tall and proud, just like Coast. He was a bit taller. "What did he look like to you?"

"A....a vampire. Was he a...vampire?"

He shook his head, somehow disappointed of my anwser. "No. Vampires aren't real. Neither werewolves. Nor dragons. What type of world do you think you live in?"

I blinked and he walked over, unstrapping me.

"He-- but he had fangs.." I whispered.

He stared at me. "Synthetic. He's synthetic."

"Um..what's that?" I asked. He held up the needle up to his eyes.


I raised my eyebrows and slowly added. "So a man-made vampire?"

He drop the needle on a counter and stared once again at me. "Yes."

I processed all of it in and nodded, rubbing my red wrists. I was surprised and my eyes glued down at the boy's body. It was interesting but creepy at the same time.

"Um, so who are you?" I finally spoke, breaking the silence.

The guy moved over to another metal table where another body laid, lifeless.

"Wirey." He introduced.

"Ah. Well, according to that insane man, I'm Number."

"That 'insane man' is Dr. Ben White, a doctor and a witty scienctist. He creates sythentics and experiments on what's left of humans."

I made a face. "So he made....that?" I directed to the boy and Wirey nodded. I hop off the bed and slowly walked over to the boy. I kicked him gently on the rib. No movement. "Well, he needs to work on that. He's screwing up."

Wirey made a crooked frown. "Well, I came out perfectly fine."

I slowly faced him, my mouth slightly open.

"You're..a synthetic?"

Wirey nodded and turned around. "Everyone here with the exception of Dr. White and Dr. Cross are synthetics. Everyone."

I thought back at Coast. He was perfect. So stunning. Unfortunately, he was man-made. I should've known.

"Alright, Number, you're going to have to flee." He added.

"Flag. My name is Flag. And I'll be more happy to do so but why?" I asked, watching him run his hands on a body.

"Because, Dr. Cross knows you aren't synthetic and so he's planning on keeping you here to transfer you into one. But it'll be different because you're not all human."

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

Wirey cleared his throat. "Unfortunately, you were attacked by a man-made demon and so it passed on and changed you. This wasn't just some random demon, he was powerful. Deadly. You could've died but you didn't. This makes you powerful."

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