// seventeen //

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Amy's POV

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Amy's POV

After I opened the door for Harry, I sat on the couch staring at the plain white wall and I wasn't even thinking. I moved myself  to the window which was close to the couch. I got a chair and sat on it in front of the window admiring the view.

 all I did was watch the streets, the cars passing by, stars in the dark blue sky and the city lights. There was silence ad no sounds around, other than the cars honks from outside.

I was tired, but I couldn't sleep because I knew I wasn't going to. My mind was full of thoughts, but what could I do? Just when I thought I moved on I was so wrong.

I felt Harry coming out of his room because the door sounds filled the air, then I heard footsteps. I didn't move an inch or even look at him, but I noticed he got a chair like I did before and sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" He whispered softly, "Amy, please." He talked in a calm tone and so quiet, like his voice would break me if it was louder. I didn't answer, I wanted to stay quite forever. It was like I wanted to freeze that moment, but we never got what we wanted. 

"I beg you, say anything." He spoke after a long silence and I still said nothing. "I deserve this, anyway. Just know that... I love you, Amy. Always," He stood up and kissed my forehead. When I closed my eyes a tear went down on my left cheek.

That hurt so much. I I just wished that I could say it back.

I loved you too, Harry.


"Amy, just talk? Please?" Niall begged me making me smile.

"What do you want, Nialler?" I sighed as he grinned after answering him.

"Finally, you said something today besides, 'hello, what would you like to drink?' 'have a good day.' and 'good morning.'." I chuckled at him. It was true, it had been three weeks since that night. Worst night of my life.

I didn't speak at all like he said, besides those sentences. Harry still wasn't giving up and tried to talk to me or get me to speak, but all he got was a nod, a shrug or a short answer for his questions. Just being polite. I didn't even know if we were still dating or not.

Maybe? I didn't know, but he was trying to act like everything was okay. He kissed my cheeks and forehead, he made me breakfast. He asked if I wanted anything and it was weird, I just answered his questions.

I knew it bothered him because it bothered me too, but he deserved it. I felt like when everything was okay, his ex-girlfriend Chelsea, came and ruined it all. She was an expert at ruining our lives.

"Amy!" Niall yelled for me to hear, I looked at him raising my eyebrows. "Are you daydreaming?" I shook my head. "Then, what exactly?" He asked again, I pointed at my head.

 "Thinking." He nodded. 

"You should stop before you go nuts." I chuckled. "Your shift is over anyway, you can leave if you want." I sighed and he walked away. I was about to head to the door and leave, but I stopped when it got open and revealed the last person I wanted to see right now.

"Amy? What are you doing here?" Chelsea said and for the first time I felt very sorry for Harry every time I saw her. Her voice was so damn annoying, how was he handling her all the time? I couldn't handle her for a minute. "Wait, you work here?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes and I headed to the door, but she stopped me again.

"So, how are you and Harry? He didn't call after that nig-"

"You know what, I'm done dealing with your shit! Just stop, okay! Fuck. Off." She looked taken back and we did cause attention in the cafe. "Harry and I hate you! Actually, we are very fine and we are still dating." I had enough of her shit. "And, whatever fucking game you are playing, I don't care and we aren't playing. Because I swear if I played this shit, you will see a whole new different side of me that you don't want to see at all. So, leave us alone!"

I just got it all out and I felt relieved. It did feel good, the past three weeks I had been waiting for the right moment to let those words come out. 

I saw Niall running to me with a shocked face to that similar to everyone watching us. Both of their eyes went behind me, then I felt two hands on my shoulder.

"Relax. It's okay, Amy," I knew who it was. That voice belonged to Harry, he heard me too and it was a party. All of us were here. Looked like they never imagined me being like that. I walked past Harry, out of the door..

"Amy! Wait up!" I stopped my tracks when I heard Harry, I turned to look at him and he ran faster towards me. "Just ignore her, I'm sorry for her being always around-"

"How did she know where I work?" He shrugged. "Did you bring her?" 

"No, no! I didn't, I came by myself! Why the hell would I bring her?!" His eyes went wide, but again how did she know? After she came in, He was behind me. That meant he brought her. "I swear I didn't bring her. I mean she knew where we lived and she stole my keys. So, what makes you think it was hard for her to find where you worked?" He had a point.

"It's okay, I believe you." He let out a breath he was holding. "It's just I'm mad. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. I'm the one who is sorry. For everything." I sighed."So, do I have to make you mad so you could talk to me?" He raised his eyebrows smirking. I rolled my eyes, then turned around and started walking again. 

"Amy?" He followed me as I looked at him, he looked nervous. "Are we still dating? Are we still together?" After a long time of thinking, I knew I was wrong, but I decided to teach him a lesson. He needed to stop lying and messing around. 

He sighed again. I loved how he was trying too hard to get me fall for him or talk again. It made me realize how much he loved me. Or at least I thought that.

I just hoped he  won't give up again, and stand strong till the end.

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