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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV

Amy left a few hours ago, I didn't see her. I decided to leave her alone and giving her some space for a bit of time, would be better for both of us. I regret what I said and I hated not talking to her. Not Seeing her smile or even laugh broke my heart.

I heard someone knocking on the door, I stood up and headed there while I was rubbing my eyes then I opened it. 

"Hello, baby!" My eyes went wide when I saw who it was. Chelsea. I was about to say a bad word to her, I was losing my temperature, but her lips cut me off. I tried to push her away, but she dragged me inside. 

Finally, I pushed her away, hard. Her eyes went wide, I was disgusted by her. She was vain and annoying, I did apologize and I know what I did was wrong, but she did a lot of things that ruined my life. And, she came here after what she had done, acting like everything was okay.

"What the hell? Get out of my flat!" She just laughed and walked towards my room. I closed the door and followed her, I just wanted her to leave before Amy arrives. I didn't want Amy to find her here, it would make everything worse than it already was.

"Leave, Chelsea." 

"How about... No?" I groaned and she smirked.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" She didn't answer but took the frame that was beside the bed.

It was a picture of me and Amy when we first met. It was before we even date, we were at our friends party and we took the picture. We looked so happy, it was her favorite picture of us. After I saw that picture for the first time, I knew that she was going to be mine.

"You know, she loves you so much." I frowned. "But not as much as I do, Harry." I chuckled.

"Yeah right." I sat on the bed and she shook her head smiling at me. "I thought you hated me after what I have done."

She crossed her arms. "Why do you think I do all of this things if I hate you?"

"Because you hate knowing that you lost." 

"No, because I still love you."

"You only love yourself, Chelsea. Admit it." She sat next to me and played with my hair. I pushed her hand away. "Even if you love me, well, I never did. I apologized about what happened, that I led you on. Although you knew everything."

"Why do you even love her? Or dated her? I'm better than her, I'm prettier than her. Is she even good in bed?" I smirked, she was planning on making me mad after what I said. I knew her.

"Very good."

Chelsea was blonde, had blue eyes. I couldn't lie she was hot and pretty, but her personality and attitude ruined everything. She was that kind of a girl you get fooled by her look and whatever she wanted, she got it. She hated to lose.

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