Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

The days grew even colder as the week droned on. At work I was rushed off my feet and by the time I got home I was too tired to do anything and went straight to bed. It soon came round to Saturday which was my day off. I was glad as I needed a break and some rest if I was going to go to the party the next night. I didn’t want to show up looking exhausted.

On Saturday morning my alarm woke me up far too early than I would have liked so I turned it off and continued to sleep. Before I knew it most of the day had slipped away from me and I finally pulled myself out of bed at 2pm. It was unusual of me to sleep past midday but it shows how tired work had made me.

I took a quick shower before going downstairs to make myself something to eat. My parents weren’t home and I assumed my dad was either at work or they were both out shopping. I made my way to the kitchen and the window caught my eye. I stared out into the garden and smiled to myself. It was snowing. I adored snow. It wasn’t the enjoyment of playing out in it, having snowball fights, building snowmen. I’d always thought snow was one of the most beautiful things in the world. The small whites flakes twirling down from thousands that were floating around in the sky. Landing gently on the ground before slowly melting back to nothing.

The front door slammed and I heard footsteps and mumbled voices travel towards me. My parents appeared in the doorway carrying several shopping bags. My mother placed them on the counter and frowned at me. “Did you only just get up?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Indeed, I did” I grinned.

She laughed. “I don’t blame you. It’s not exactly weather that you’d want to go out in.”

The appearance of snow appealed to me. It was the fact that you get freezing cold and soaking wet after that put me off going out into it.

I helped my parents unpack the shopping and place food into the kitchen cupboards before making myself some pancakes.

I pulled a jar of Nutella from a cupboard and smeared it on top of my pancake. The heat from the pancake immediately caused it to start melting. Melted Nutella was the best.

I found a palette of strawberries in the fridge and picked a couple out. I began slicing them on a chopping board, bright red juice covering my hands and sprinkled them onto my pancakes. Nutella and strawberries. Yum.

By early evening I was snuggled in bed, reading A Christmas Carol. I thought I’d read it to get in the Christmas mood. My mind was so deep into the novel that I hadn’t realised I had 2 new messages until my phone began to ring.

I moaned to myself, annoyed from being bothered while reading and answered. Before I could say anything Rachel was in my ear talking.

“Scarlett!” she yelled. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”

“Sorry Rachel” I apologised. “I was just reading”

“I wanted to make sure your still coming tomorrow?”

I sighed. “I guess so. I mean I don’t have to. If you don’t want me there?” I said, trying to get out of it.

“Of course I want you there! I just wanted to tell you what time and everything” I could picture her smiling on the other end.

“Okay” I replied, waiting for her to continue.

“James and I will pick you up from your house at 7 tomorrow night. So be ready.”

“Okay” I groaned.

“And Scarlett” she paused.


“Wear something nice” she laughed. “A dress.”

Dresses weren’t my thing. I just felt uncomfortable wearing them. I’d never liked them and I never would. “Do I-?”

She cut me off. “Yes! You have to!” she answered, knowing what I was going to ask.

“Fine but you better not have any plans to introduce me to another guy” I said, rolling my eyes.

She giggled. “For once, I actually don’t. I’m sure I can find one though?” she said, trying to annoy me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Rachel.” The sooner this party came and went was the better. I just needed to get it over with. Before she could answer me back, I hung up.

I placed my bookmark on the page I was currently reading and shut my book, placing it on the desk next to me. I decided to look through my wardrobe at the few dresses I owned. It was going to be cold so I would need to wear tights with whatever one I wore. I pulled out two dresses and immediately knew which I was going to wear. One was a tight, burgundy dress that was fitted to my curves and rested mid-thigh. The other was knee length and navy blue. No matter which one I wore, I would feel uncomfortable so I chose the first dress.

I rested the material on my bed and pulled out a pair of black, lace tights from a drawer in my bedroom. I had a pair of matching burgundy heels that even I had to admit, looked gorgeous. I planned out my outfit completely and decided to watch a movie before I went to sleep. I had no idea what the movie was called but it had me in tears. It was about a young couple who were madly in love. At the beginning they were both in an accident and the woman lost her memory. The man did everything he possibly could to try and make her remember him but nothing worked and I sat crying for at least 10 minutes. In the end she still couldn’t remember him but they started completely over again as if they had never even met each other. When the credits rolled it popped up that it was a true story and I began to cry even more. I couldn’t imagine losing the person you love the most like that. I’m not even in love with anyone, never have been but I was still heartbroken by it. I couldn’t even bring myself to imagine what he felt like.

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