Chapter 14

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(Hey guys! It's been a while. I'm sorry if you were enjoying my story and were annoyed or upset that I put it on hold. This story has been on hold far too long and for a lot longer than I had originally planned but now I'm back and I'm continuing it so if there's any original readers out there that are back to continue the story then thank you so much and I really can't apologise enough. Right now I am unsure of when I will uploading but I plan to eventually be posting every couple of days like I used to but right now I just really hope I can get another chapter up for you by the end of next week. So yeah, once again thank you and just be patient please. I will upload as soon as I can because whenever I find time I promise I will be writing. I really enjoyed writing this chapter because it's been so long so I can't wait to get back into this story again.)

Chapter 14:

My alarm clock startled me awake at 7am and I sat up in my bed and began to rub the sleep from my tired eyes. It took me a few minutes to realise why my alarm clock had woken me so early and I remembered that I had to go to work. I began to panic as I realised I’d planned to go out with Harry. I couldn’t cancel on him after everything that had happened between us already but I couldn’t skip work either. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Harry explaining how I’d forgotten I had to work and asking whether we could go in the evening. I assumed he would still be asleep so I managed to pull myself out of bed and prepare myself for the long day ahead.

The evening before I had been excited to get to the shop in case Harry came in to see me but now I knew I would be going out with him I wanted time to fast forward to the start of our date. I was still so intrigued to where he was taking me. He had told me it was indoors and my first thought was the cinema. I really hoped it wasn’t as that wouldn’t allow me much time to speak to him and I really wanted to get to know Harry better. I wanted to know how his mind worked and mainly how he felt about me. I was still unsure why he wanted to take me on a date but I didn’t care because I had finally said yes and I was finally going to spend a decent amount of time with him and I could begin to crack his character.

I rushed to work and by the time the store was prepared to open my phone began to ring. I answered it without looking at the caller ID and said hello.

“Hey Scar” said Harry’s croaky voice.

“Harry, it’s you” I whispered although I was the only one in the room. “Did you get my text?” I asked.

“I did” he replied and there was a long pause. “Scarlett if you’ve changed your mind and you don’t want to go out with me I’d rather you say than make up some excuse” he muttered, angrily.

“What?” I said, confused. “Harry that wasn’t an excuse. I’m at work right now. I’d still like to go on a date with you. That’s why I asked if we could do it later tonight” I explained. I was upset that he thought I’d lie so that I didn’t have to go out with him. He really had no idea how much I truly liked him and how much I longed to see his beautiful face again.

“Oh” he whispered. “Scarlett I’m sorry I just thought-“

“Harry its fine” I interrupted. He seemed to sound so innocent and vulnerable over the phone and it made my heart beat increase rapidly. “Are you okay to do it tonight instead?” I asked, taking control of the conversation to show that I really did want to see him again.

“Even if I wasn’t I’d cancel any plans for you” his voice slowly flowing into my ear. I laughed to myself as my stomach filled with butterflies. Harry’s husky voice and sometimes charming personality hooked into me and I couldn’t remember why I’d not agreed to go on a date with him before. “Should I pick you up from work then?” he asked, softly spoken.

“Sure. I finish at 5pm.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later.” His voice filled my head and then it was suddenly gone with one click and the store was left silent.

I placed my phone onto the counter and realised I had a massive grin covering my face. I wasn’t confused about my emotions anymore. I was majorly attracted to Harry and the reason my head was so messed up and muddled was because I was worried about what people would think of me. Harry isn’t the type of person you’d look at and think ‘Wow, what a gentleman’ or that he looks smart but Harry’s different and there’s something about him that makes him stand out from everyone and I can’t help but like it.

If I liked Harry my friends and family would have to be accepting of my choice and if they wasn’t then they’d have to get over it because it’s my life and in order to be happy I need to make my own decisions and not worry about what other people think. If the decision to go out with Harry turns out to be a mistake then I’ll learn from it. Even though there was a high possibility that Harry would be a complete jerk on the date I really hoped he would be the sweet and caring person I knew he could be. He said he wanted to prove himself to me and this was his chance. He just needed to grab it and show me he’s worth it.

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