Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

I awoke in the morning feeling exhausted. I remembered the party. I remembered Harry. I sat up in my messy bed and gently rubbed my eyes. Harry had asked me on a date. Harry had asked me on a date? Surely it was a dream. That couldn't have happened.

I grabbed hold of my phone and looked at my previous text messages from the night before. My conversation with Ellice had happened. The party had happened. Harry had happened.

A message immediately appeared on my screen, from Ellice ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS!’

My mind was muddled and I gasped. It was Christmas day. I had completely forgotten. How could I forget Christmas? A massive smile appeared on my face as I dropped my phone and ran into my parents’ bedroom. I swung the door open and jogged inside. The bed was made and empty. What?

I hurriedly ran downstairs where my mum and dad were sat eating breakfast.

“You’re up” my mum smiled while eating a spoonful of Weetabix.

“What time is it?” I asked. I was confused about everything. For some reason my mind wasn’t working properly. Harry was that reason.

“Only 9” she stated.

“Oh” I whispered. It must have been the first ever Christmas they were awake before me.

“We didn’t want to wake you. We thought you’d be hung over” she explained.

I smiled. “Well, I’m not. So, let’s open the presents!”

We walked into the living room where our Christmas tree was set up. A few needles had fallen from the branches and rested on our cream carpet. Presents piled around the trunk and we all sat down and began to open our gifts. I opened a few of mine, receiving a couple of books, clothes and a box of chocolates. I handed my parents their gift from me. I placed a gold envelope in my mother’s hand and she looked a little worried as she began to rip the gold paper. She gasped as she held up a piece of unfolded paper and showed my father.

“Scarlett, you didn’t have to do this” my father was the first to speak.

“I wanted to” I smiled. I had booked for them to go to Paris for a weekend. I had arranged a hotel, transport, everything they would need.

“How much did this cost?” my mother asked, waving the conformation letter in her hand.

“Not too much.” It wasn’t overly expensive. I mean, a trip to Paris isn’t cheap but I had some money saved up from work and I knew they’d both love it.

“Are you sure?” she asked, concerned.

“Mum, its fine. I could afford it. You’ll have fun.”

“Thank you” they both smiled at the same time.

“It’s a lot more than I expected” my dad laughed. Let’s just say I wasn’t exactly the best at getting presents for people. This year I had really wanted to do well.

We continued to tear open boxes and rip paper until all the presents were open and we had a pile of unwrapped gifts stacked on the floor. I had gotten so many lovely presents from family and friends and I would need to remind myself to thank them all.

As I climbed the stairs to the bathroom my mother was already on the phone to someone bragging about her present from me. I laughed as I grabbed a towel and draped it over the sink, ready for when I came out the shower.

My shower was very brief as I didn’t want to allow myself much time to be alone with my thoughts. Keeping myself occupied would allow me to forget the previous events that I’m not even going to mention. Harry echoed through the back of my mind. I quickly turned on some music to force my thoughts away and got dressed for the day.

I realised I hadn’t texted Ellice back from the morning so I apologised for not replying and wished her a happy Christmas along with her mother.

Before I could settle my phone down it began ringing in my hand. Ellice’s voice swam through the speaker. “Hello” her tone cheery.

“Hey Ellice” I smiled to myself.

“I didn’t know you were having Christmas dinner round mine this year” she said.

“What? I’m not. Am I?”

“You are” she laughed. “Apparently my mum asked your parent’s ages ago.”

“Oh. It would have been nice of them to tell us” I laughed along with her.

“I know right.” There was a short pause. “Are we going to talk about this Harry guy?” she asked, her tone changing.

I automatically sighed. “I’d rather not. There’s nothing to talk about” I lied.

“I know your lying to me but I’ll drop it if that’s what you-”

“That’s what I want” I interrupted. “Just drop it, please?”

“Okay” her voice unsure.

“Thank you for my Christmas present” I said, happily changing the subject. Ellice had gotten me a beautiful purse. It was designed to look like a postcard and was covered in butterflies and flowers. It was extremely girly but so pretty.

“I’m glad you liked it. Thanks for mine too.” I had bought Ellice tickets to see her favourite band. She had wanted to see them for ages but tickets sold out before she could get any. Ellice had been absolutely gutted about it so I looked online and found some. I knew she’d love them and me, for getting them. “I couldn’t believe it when I opened them!” she screamed. “Thank you so much, Scarlett.” There was a rustling on the connection before Ellice spoke once again. “I have to go. Mum needs my help preparing the dinner” she explained.

“I’ll see you later then.”

“I guess you will” she laughed and the phone went silent.

By midday we had arrived at Ellice’s house and everyone was sat around talking to one another. My mum had been sure to bring up the trip to Paris and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. She was obviously very pleased with it and I assumed I’d be hearing about it for a while to come.

The company of everyone made it easier than I thought it would be to ignore the previous night. I found myself instead of forgetting Harry, wanting to remember him. Every time I thought about him I would picture his perfection, his flawless features, his stained skin and the taste of his breath. I knew I would regret saying no to him and it was happening. I regretted yelling at him. I regretted walking away from him. I regretted everything that had happened at that party. Harry was bad for me but I wanted him.

It’s funny the people you become attracted to. I would have never imagined me being drawn towards someone like Harry. I was glad he had appeared at the party. It gave me a chance to see him again. See him for one last time before he disappeared out of my life forever. I wouldn’t be seeing Harry again and it was my own fault. My mind took over what my heart really wanted and I blew away my chance of experiencing something new. Someone new. I wished I wasn’t so stupid sometimes. I thought I couldn’t be with someone like Harry but why couldn’t I? I could be. I’d never tried and I had the chance to with him.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Harry. I thought I wanted him but did I really? I had never felt the way I did about Harry to anyone so how did I know I liked him? I needed to know more about him. I knew nothing about him yet I felt I knew everything. I’d met Harry twice but he had such an impact on me it felt like I’d known him for years and my brain turned to mush when he was around.

The idea may have been stupid of me but I had to see him again. I tried to tell myself I shouldn’t be attracted to him but I was and I craved to see him again. I just hoped I hadn’t blown my chance, but I knew I had. Harry was gone and I only had myself to blame.

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