Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

“Harry?” I questioned. 

“Scar, is that you?” his deep voice croaked through the device in my hand.

I loudly swallowed. “Yes, it’s me. What do you want? I mean, how did you get my number?” I mumbled.

There was a long pause on the other end before Harry finally spoke. “I visited the shop today” he nervously admitted.

My heart viciously thumped in my chest. He hadn’t given up. He meant what he’d said. “You did?” I asked clearly sounding like an idiot.

“I did.” I could hear him gulp through the speaker and my whole body stiffened. “I wanted to see you” he whispered slowly pronouncing each word.

My insides twisted and turned as I thought about him walking into the shop in his black skinny jeans and messy hair. I wished I’d been there. I was aching to see him again.

“I was disappointed when you weren’t there” he continued to whisper. I was surprised by how soft his voice was, how gentle and fragile he sounded as he expressed his feelings through the phone. “Ellice told me it was your day off but she happily gave me your phone number.”

I could see the smirk appearing on his lips over the phone and I couldn’t help but laugh. I was slightly pissed off at Ellice for randomly giving Harry my phone number but mostly thankful. She didn’t know I’d changed my mind about seeing Harry but it was because of her that I was hearing his beautiful voice.

There was a short silence as I was mentally begging for Harry to ask me out on a date again. If he didn’t bring it up I would have to ask him myself. I needed to see him. “Why did you ring me?” I asked him, trying to urge the question out of him.

“Well, I was wondering if this really was your number.”

There was another awkward pause as neither of us knew what to say or how the other was feeling.

“Did you hear what I said yesterday?” he nervously asked. “You know, as I walked out the door?”

He was talking about him not giving up. I decided to act as though I hadn’t heard him. “I don’t think so. What did you say?” I innocently asked.

Harry let out a deep, husky cough. “I said I wasn’t giving up.” He let out another cough and continued “I know you don’t want me but I want you to try. Agree to go on one date with me and if you still hate me after that then fine, I’ll leave you alone but please give me a chance?”

I smiled to myself as he pleaded to me. He really thought I hated him? Of course he did. I hadn’t given him any other impression. I just trapped my emotions away but I was ready to scream them out so everyone could hear. “I’ll go on a date with you” I grinned.

I heard Harry take a sharp breath “You will?” he asked, clearly surprised.


“I won’t let you down. I will take you on the best date you’ve ever been on. I’m determined to prove to you I’m not as bad as you think I am. Thank you for giving me a chance Scarlett.”

My heart had turned to mush and my whole body felt limp. No one had ever treated me like Harry had. It was so strange to know that the guy I’d met the first time on the street was the guy on the end of the phone. I couldn’t understand how someone could have such different personalities depending on the amount of alcohol they’d consumed. I knew alcohol changed people but Harry was such a sweet guy normally and he just turned into a complete jerk. A hot jerk but a jerk nonetheless. 

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow?” he quietly asked.

“Tomorrow’s good” I replied, trying my best not to show how much I was looking forward to it and how much I actually liked him. I didn’t want to throw myself at him. I wanted him to prove himself and show me the real him.

“I’ll pick you up at 10 tomorrow morning then?”

“Okay, where are we going?” I was curious as to what Harry’s idea of a good first date was.

He laughed. “It’s a surprise but don’t worry it’s indoors. The weathers unpredictable this time of the year and I wouldn’t want us getting soaked by the rain. That wouldn’t be a good first date, would it?”

I pictured him grinning and my smiled widened. “Surprises aren’t really my thing” I stated.

“Too bad” he laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight Scarlett.”

“Goodnight Harry” I replied as the phone line went dead and Harry’s voice had disappeared from my ear leaving me feel incomplete. 

I shivered and realised I was still in my bath towel. I hurriedly changed into my pyjamas and looked for something to wear on my date. I wasn’t an outfit planning person but I needed to look good if I wanted to fix things with Harry. I had to make myself look attractive. 

As I got ready for bed I wondered where Harry was planning to take me. I was extremely nervous about our date. I didn’t know what to expect. I had no idea how Harry would act or what he would say. I hoped he’d be like he was on the phone but I doubted it. 

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