01 : Can't Be Fixed

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It was a normal day, and you turned on the T.V. As usual, the sports channel would be on and your eyes would be glued to it. It was a volleyball game that day. The crowd was loud as the team dressed in red went against the one dressed in white.

"Tobio-kun..." you mumbled out his name as the camera zoomed in on his face. He had changed so much since you last saw him. He seemed taller from the camera view and he grew to become more muscular. He was no longer wearing the usual black and orange jersey that represented Karasuno High School. Instead he now wore the red jersey with the Japan flag imprinted on his left collar. He was representing Japan along with many other great players like Oikawa and Hinata. Without realizing, a sigh escaped from your mouth.

You stared blankly at the floor as you hugged your knees. You felt the tears threatening to come out. You and Kageyama was the perfect couple everyone had adore and supported. But as the 3rd year came close to an end, he was scouted to be on Japan's national team along with Hinata. You had realized that he had been very busy with the national team practices that even calls or texts were impossible to do. Every time he had a break, he would be too tired to do anything. As the days turned to weeks and months, the relationship between the two of you slowly faded. That was when you broke everything off before he officially flew to Kyoto. He grew angry and you only admitted that things just weren't the same anymore. And with that, he left with a cold expression that still haunts you till today.

You had to admit, at the mentions of his name to just seeing things that reminded you of him made your heart ache in pain. You still loved him very much but things just weren't the same. He became a successful volleyball player like he had dreamed to be and you became a secretary for some gaming company. You had to moved on because there was no turning back.


Hearing that the two will return back to town for a small visit, Daichi had decided to plan a small welcome back party. He had booked up a karaoke room and invited everyone to attend even you. Although you had denied every offer from the others and Yachi, you couldn't get away from the party at all.

"30 minutes," you mumbled. "30 minutes and I'm out of that place."

You managed to get your hair into soft curls and had your makeup be lightly put on, it wasn't too much or too little. You then wore a casual flower printed dress that reached to your knees along with a solid white pair of heels.

You groaned to yourself, "Well let's get this party over with."

As you headed out, you began to regret every choice you made to even get to this point. Your heart was heavy and your stomach churned making you feel worse.

It wasn't long before the karaoke building came to view. You met Yachi outside and the two of you entered with her dragging you to the reserved room. You took in a huge breath before the door opened to reveal the inside of the room. Once the door fully opened and you headed inside, your heart felt relieved yet disappointed. He wasn't there yet. You both greeted the rest of the members and you took a seat beside Sugawara.

"Kageyama and Hinata are on their way," Sugawara mentioned. You just nodded your head and stared at your feet. You were beginning to feel a painful pierce to your heart and had wished to be home rather than at the party. Soon enough two familiar voices could be heard outside the door.

"Are you sure it's this room?" it was a deeper voice, you recognized as Kageyama's.

"I think so," the higher pitched voice was definitely Hinata's. Your heart began beating faster and faster as the footsteps came closer and closer.

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