07 : The End

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The sun wasn't out yet as Kageyama sat up on his bed. He stared out the window of his room as the city of Kyoto came into view. He sighed as a continuous crying was heard. It has been almost 5 years since then.

"I'm leaving for Kyoto tomorrow," he mentioned. You stared at him with your heart dropping.

"Tobio..." you hung your head. His hand reached over and held yours, "I have to go, you know that."

You nodded your head and wanted to hold back the tears.

"That's why I want you to go with me," Kageyama added. The words ran through your ears clearly as your head perked up.

"I have a big condo in Kyoto," he said and scratched the back on his nape. "It's quite lonely, so maybe you can help put the mood."

"B-but-" you didn't know what to say. Kageyama smiled, "I don't want to leave you again. I know it'll be difficult to leave a job and find a new one, but let me promise you that I'll work hard to provide for both of us. Throughout our past times together, you had always supported me, allow me to do the same back this time."

And with just those words, your eyes were filled with tears again. You promised him one week. He'll be off tomorrow so, it wasn't possible to just agree immediately. He was hesitant at first but trusted you.

You sent him off the next day and within the week after you had thought about what to do. Luckily, your boss was able to transfer you over to the main branch of the company in Kyoto so you didn't have to worry about finding a new job. You had packed up and bid goodbyes to all your close friends and family members. And just like that as one week went by, you were off to Kyoto. The plane there took some time but as you landed and grabbed your luggage, the person you were wanting to see was standing awkwardly waiting for you. As both your eyes met, bright smiles spread across your faces.

Kageyama got off from his bed and headed out towards the bedroom across. He opened the door as the crying grew silent. Standing in a crib, was a small almost 2 years old boy with tears stained chubby cheeks.

"Did you have a bad dream, Toshi?" Kageyama asked and walked towards his son. He reached in and picked Toshi up. Kageyama brushed his thumb across his son's cheeks to wipe off the tears before planting a soft kiss on them. He carried Toshi to the room you both shared and saw that you were awake.

"What's wrong baby?" you asked seeing Toshi sniffing as an aftermath of crying. You reached out your arms as he did the same. Kageyama placed Toshi in your arms and took the seat beside you.

"It's okay," you caressed Toshi's back and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Mommy and daddy's here."

Toshi was slowly dozing off to sleep in your arms as you hummed a lullaby.

"I have to get ready," Kageyama said as he look at the time on his phone. You nodded and smiled.

He returned the smile and got up to prepare himself for the big game. Kageyama slipped into the red volleyball jersey and over it, a red jacket with the Japan flag printed on the chest and his last name on the back. He grabbed what was needed, and you walked with him to the door.

"I'll dress him up first and then we'll come," you said before Kageyama kissed your lips and caressed the back head of Toshi.


You were able to be seated closer as the game went on. Kageyama and Oikawa both played a part in the game. They had different ways and with Ushijima's leading strength along with Bokuto and Kuroo's power, Japan was able to take the win. As the crowds were leaving the gymnasium, you held Toshi in your arms and stood up. He waved cutely towards your husband, sending him blushing hard and waving back.

"IT'S TOSHI-CHAN!" Oikawa jumped ahead and waved at him. Toshi laughed and reached his hands out to Oikawa.

"Come to uncle!" Oikawa said as he picked him up.

"How many times do I have to say it," Kageyama glared at Oikawa. "You are not his uncle."

Oikawa stuck his tongue out and seeing that, Toshi did the same.

"T-Toshi!" Kageyama shook his head. "You can't do that!"

"Ojiiii~" Toshi said and laughed. From the far benches the fans cheered and even took a lot of pictures. Oikawa turned and headed towards them. He was telling Toshi to wave to the girls and surprisingly he did.

"Oh, you're really nothing like your dad," Oikawa added. Toshi was waving and smiling cheekily towards the fans sending them into 'awws' and flashing as much pictures as they can.

"H-hey!" Kageyama headed towards them. "Toshi we are done for the day. Oikawa-senpai is just a bad influence on you."

"Oi, Tobio-chan!" Oikawa pouted as Kageyama took Toshi away from him. He bowed one last time to the crowd before heading back to you. You were enjoying the view. Although this ending was unexpected, you were happy. Kageyama saw your smiling face, "Are you enjoying this?"

You nodded and took Toshi away from Kageyama, "Let's go to Uncle Tooru and smile at the cameras."

You took off towards Oikawa with Toshi in your arms and a grumpy Kageyama following behind you. You both grew from the past and although you had broken off the piece that made you whole, it gladly found its way back and life has never been better.



this is the last chapter !
thank you all so much for reading this short story with kags !
i enjoyed writing it and im so happy to read all your lovely comments ♡

i still have my other books of one shots so please do check those out !

my tsukki x oc book is now published ! please do check it out in my works section of my profile ! ♡

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