03 : No, I Can't

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A couple days went by, and Kageyama had prepared himself. He had made a list of what to do and how to do it. It wasn't going to be easy, but if in the end it worked out then it was definitely going to be worth it. First on the list was to order a flower bouquet to be delivered to your office building. He remembered your favorite flower and made sure it was tied with a beautiful white bow and had a note on it. As he got off the phone, Kageyama laid back on his sofa and stared at the ceiling. He was beginning to doubt himself if one week was enough to get you to fall back in love with him.

On the other hand, you were heading off to work early in the morning. You were greeted from the front desk and when you go into your work area, you were greeted by your co-workers. Work for you was the usual with all the programming and coding. It wasn't until a man holding a bouquet of (favorite flower) entered your working floor.

"Is there a (L/N)(F/N) here?" he looked at his clipboard before looking up. Everyone in your work floor turned to look at you. You widened your eyes and slowly stood up.

"T-that's me," you said before slowly heading towards him. The delivery man made his way towards you and handed you the bouquet of flowers.

"T-thank you," you bowed and took the beautiful flowers from him. "A-ah, may I know who this is from?"

The delivery man looked at the clip and apologized, "It seems the buyer has chosen to be anonymous."

"A-ah, is that so..." you looked at the flowers and smiled. The delivery man bowed and bid goodbye before leaving the building. You walked back to your desk and placed the flowers down.

"I wonder who sent this..." you stared at the flower decorated beautiful with a white bow. You spotted the note and grabbed it.

'I hope you liked these (favorite flower). They are your favorite.'

You tilted your head and then looked at the flowers again. You don't remember any guy you have known for the past years that would suddenly send a bouquet. Then your mind suddenly clicked and you sighed, "Kageyama..."

"Those are from Kageyama-san?" Hana butted in. You pushed her away and stared at the flowers. You could feel a short pain appearing in your heart as the familiar scent of the flowers began to wrap around your work space. You put the bouquet in a place where it wouldn't distract you from work and continued on your programming.

The whole day at work felt like it took forever. You were thinking about the flowers and Kageyama that it was beginning to make you feel guilty for some odd reasons. Slowly one by one, co-workers left the building as the evening hit. You were done with your work and began to pack up.

"Want to go out for a drink?" Hana asked. "Don't worry, I'll buy you juice."

You chuckled and shook your head, "Even though I need one, I'll just head home tonight."

Hana nodded and you grabbed the bouquet of flowers before heading out of the building together. It wasn't until when you exit the place that Hana stopped.

"Um, I'll take my leave from here," she smiled and waved. "See you tomorrow (F/N)-san."

You were confused and bid her goodbye before realizing why she left. Standing by in front of you by a empty taxi was Kageyama. He was dressed in a casual outfit waiting for you. With the flowers in one hand and your bag in the other, you headed towards him.

"Hello (F/N)-san," he greeted you with a smile. You nodded and returned the greeting.

"Ah, thanks for the flowers," you said before handing them back to him. "But I can't accept them."

Kageyama shook his head, "They are yours to keep. If you don't like it then feel free to throw them out."

"Kageyama, I don't meant it like that-," you said and sighed. The flowers were beautiful and you had to admit it made you really happy but you honestly were confused about how to feel towards him.

"It's late, you should get going home," he said and opened the taxi's back door for you. You stared at him and part of you felt like grabbing him and asking him to stay for dinner but another side of you felt like tearing apart.

"I can get my own taxi," you said but Kageyama refused to let you.

"I already paid and told the driver your address," he smiled and made sure you entered the taxi's back seat. He closed the door and gave the driver and okay sign. He waved to you as you stared at him through the car window. As the taxi drove off, you turned around and watch his figure disappear as you got father away from him. Your heart was thumping fast as you held your chest. You shook off the feeling and stared at the flowers placed beside you, "No, I can't."


As the taxi disappeared from Kageyama's sight, he nodded to himself before getting a taxi for him. He got in and headed back to his condo. As he entered the building, the loneliness hit him again. Kageyama swat away the feeling and chuckled to himself as he imagined a figure of you greeting him.

"How nice..." he thought as he took off his shoes and headed to his bedroom. He grabbed his luggage and pulled out a small box. Inside it was filled with pictures that the two of you took during your high school days at Karasuno. Despite breaking up, he managed to keep the pictures of you and him well inside a box. Although most were lost or crumpled from his anger, the majority was still in good condition. It was when he grabbed the picture that the two of you took after Karasuno won the for the 3rd time at the spring tournament. The last picture before the break up happened. His thumb hovered over your face and a broken smile appeared on his lips. A small tear threatened to escape from his eyes but he wiped it before it could happen.

"We were so happy," he whispered as he continued to stare at the picture. Both your smiles were so bright. The way you looked at him and the way he looked at you, anyone would mistaken you for a married couple just seeing the picture. Kageyama placed the picture on the night stand and closed the box. He put it back into his luggage before heading out to shower and change. The night felt a little less heavier now as he slipped into bed and dozed off to sleep.

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