04 : Lunch ?

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The working day was usual for you, at least you had wished it was until Hana mentioned about what happened last night.

"So what did you two talked about?" she was curious and moved closer. You looked at her in disbelief and replied, "He just got me the taxi and wanted to make sure I get home safe I guess."

"Wow, that's quite sweet of him" Hana said and smiled. "Are you giving him a chance to make up?"

You became silent when she asked that question. It was obvious to your mind that Kageyama will never have another chance but your heart was deciding on something else. Just what on Earth were you feeling? Even you couldn't answer that. Hana clasped her hand together as she knew the answer to her own question.

"You know some break ups make couples realize just how much they mean to each other," she said and moved back to her desk. Hana glanced back at you and smiled, "Changes could also be good too so why don't you try going out and getting lunch with national guy?"

"I don't think so-" you said but was cut off.

"You see, that negativity should be put aside," Hana whispered as she saw the other co-workers staring at them. "Try having a decent talk with him instead of just avoiding his every existence."

You sighed and groaned. Although it seemed true, you were only feeling more frustrated. You wanted it to be over and had wished that Kageyama had never returned for a visit. Because then you wouldn't be sitting here being distracted from work.

You headed off back into the paper work on your desk along with the documents in the computer to try to get your mind off of things. But unfortunately, your eyes had seemed to betray you because you started reading things that reminded you of Kageyama. As the break came, you got up and went to get a cup of coffee from the small lounge. The hot bittersweet taste entered your mouth and collided on your taste buds. You sighed in relief while grabbing your phone from your pocket. Your finger moved unexpectedly to the speed dial in which used to be Kageyama's number but is now Yachi's. You widened your eyes at what you had just done.

"Hello? (F/N)-san?" you could hear Yachi's voice on the other end. You placed your phone by your ear and replied, "Oh hey Hitoka-chan!"

"Are you okay?" she asked, "Is there something you need? Or did something bad happened?"

You chuckled and shook your head although she couldn't see, "I'm totally fine! I just accidentally called you, sorry."

"...You sure?" she wasn't very convinced since you never had 'accidentally' called her. You stared at the floor of the lounge and thought about what to do before sighing loudly.

"D-do you have Kageyama's new phone number?" you whispered in hopes that she probably didn't hear you. But unfortunately, she did.

"Yeah, I can text it to you," she replied her tone of voice changing drastically to an excited one.

"Oh...uh thank you then," you said. "I have to head back to work, I'll see you around. Bye."

You threw your coffee cup away and headed back to your desk. In no time you had already received Kageyama's new number from Yachi. You were hesitant at first, but was able to manage to type 'Lunch?' on a text message to Kageyama. You stared at the message for the longest minutes before debating whether to send the message or not. Hana watched from the side and chuckled, "(F/N), are you going to ask him?"

You quickly shut off the phone and placed it in your pocket.

"W-What are you talking about?" you mumbled and glanced at her. Hana only brightly smiled before continuing her work again. You went back to your computer and continued the programming. Soon enough it was lunch and many of your co-workers left one by one to enjoy their break. Hana stood up and told you she was going to be occupied during lunch so that meant you were going to be heading out alone. You exit the building and grabbed your phone. You unlocked it and saw the text message still on. A breathe was taken and a sigh escaped as your finger hovered over the call button instead. Hesitating once again, you stopped before your finger was a couple centimeters away from the green call button. Just as you were about to close your phone again and put it away, a couple of workers walked past you and accidentally bumped into your shoulder. You finger had then pressed on the call button without you realizing. You were busy apologizing to the workers for standing in the way.

"Hello?" you heard a small mumbled voice. You looked around and then at your phone before it hit you. You widened your eyes and pulled your phone to your face. You had called Kageyama and he had answered.

"A-ah, hey," you stuttered. "Sorry, I called you on accident-."

"No, it's fine," he replied. "I'll hang up-."

"Wait," you said and bit your lip. "Lunch."

"Huh?" he was confused. "Oh it's your break right now, right? I should be leaving you to it so-."

"No, I'm asking if you want to spend lunch together," you clarified. You heard and thump on the other side before Kageyama's voice returned again.

"O-of course!" he said in excitement before clearing his throat. "I mean, if you want to."

"The usual restaurant in 5," you stated before hanging up. He knew the place already so you were just going to go and wait and if he doesn't show up on time you had planned to leave.


Kageyama was so excited after hanging up, he rushed through his closet to find a nice outfit to wear and popped out the door in a second. He didn't want to keep you waiting because this could be his chance. His ONLY chance. He rushed through the crowd and towards your favorite restaurant. Kageyama made it past a couple of stores before getting to the beautifully decorated building. He was about to go in when he got a call. It was from the head coach of the national volleyball team. Kageyama stopped and answered the call.

"Sir, I'm busy right now can you call later-," he said but was cut off.

"I'm here in Torono Town to talk with the team," the coach said. "Meet in 5 minutes at the Koroshi Hotel lounge. It's MANDATORY."

"C-coach-," before Kageyama could say anything the coach had hung up on him. He stared at his phone and then up towards the restaurant in front of him. He knew he'd be in deep trouble if he didn't show up to the meeting and if he went then this only chance he had with you would disappear like the wind. Without another second to waste, Kageyama moved his foot and headed towards you. Despite knowing he was going to be scolded and maybe even ban from from some games, at this moment to him, you were more important. He didn't want to let you slip from his hands again.

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