05 : What Would It Be Like

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You waited patiently at the table as your hand was slightly shaking. You didn't know why. Maybe because you were finally eating lunch with him after such a long time. The old memories were slowly invading your mind and was interrupted when the empty seat in front of you was pulled out. In a heaving voice, he greeted you.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting (L/N)-san," Kageyama said and took a seat. "I ran here as soon as possible."

"Y-you ran?" you were shocked. You knew his house was quite far from here.

"I didn't want to get stuck in traffic," he mentioned and smiled. "Did you order already?"

"O-oh, and I haven't ordered yet," you replied and looked at the menu. "I didn't want to order and have you not show up."

Kageyama nodded at your words before picking up the menu. He looked through and saw that it has changed quite a lot in the past years. More main dishes were added as well as entrees and appetizers. He skimmed through and spotted the dish he had always ordered when you two used to come by the restaurant. A small smile appeared on his lips as he looked up to you and locked eyes with you. You quickly glanced back down at your menu and said, "A-are you done?"

"Ah, yeah," Kageyama nodded and placed his menu down. He called the waiter over and told them what he wanted to order. You did the same and the waiter left to prepare your dishes. You stared at him and he did the same as the awkward silence bit in between you two.

"So...how does it feel to be the nation's starting setter?" you asked trying to break away that awkward atmosphere. "Japan has won a lot of games and I'm surprised Oikawa-san doesn't get to play much."

"It's because of his knee injury rehab that he's been put on a slight break," Kageyama replied and smiled. "Have you been watching our games?"

"N-no, I just heard from Sugawara-kun and Daichi-kun," you lied and tried to avoid eye contact with him. Kageyama chuckled and nodded, "That part of you hasn't change at all."

"E-eh?" you looked at him in quite disbelief.

"You know, the whole time I was away, I've come to realize a lot," he mentioned and was about to continue when you cut him off.

"Can we not talk about that-," you said and he apologized.

"I'm sorry," Kageyama said and softly smiled, "How's working in the gaming company? I heard that it's become quite the attention lately."

"Well, despite all the programming and coding, I feel very happy about my work there," you replied. "It's a little bit too much work but it helps me from being distracted."

As the two of you continued to talk, the awkward atmosphere that was created long ago was slowly breaking down. You were beginning to feel as if the two of you had traveled back in time to the high school days. Just thinking about it somehow made your heart feel lighter. It was even making you start to think of the reasons why you had intended to avoid him at all cost when he first arrived. This feeling was beginning to make you regret what you had said to him.

It wasn't long before both your orders had arrived and you two ate peacefully. The conversations continued and eventually the empty feeling that was placed deep down in your heart was slowly filling up. Once you two finished, Kageyama offered to pay and walked you out. He was a bit faster because his legs were definitely longer than yours, but because of that you were given a view of his back figure. Just then a flashback of when he left for Kyoto crossed your mind.

"You'll visit me right?" Kageyama asked with a smile as his hand never left yours. Your heart broke seeing his handsome face as you pulled yourself to say the next words.

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