06 : For The Best

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Kageyama met with the coach and did his best not to argue back. He was told to pack up as soon as possible and was given his plane ticket back to Kyoto. Kageyama didn't know what to do. He wanted to stay. He didn't want to leave you alone anymore, but he was beginning to doubt if you even still feel something about him. There was no point in staying if all that he's done came to nothing.

In two days, he had chosen to just spend some time with you before breaking the news to you. You had seem to be less irritated with Kageyama visiting during break hours. He would bring some of your favorite food and drinks along with a bouquet of your favorite flowers before leaving. Your co-workers would cooed and tell you how envious they were of you and how lucky you are to have a man like Kageyama.

"I can see that your relationship with national guy is going well," Hana peeked her head over to your desk. You stared at the items Kageyama had just brought and sighed. You didn't eat it but you saw a note taped to the bento box.

'If it's okay with you, dinner with me at the usual restaurant? I promise this will make up the terrible job I did with the the bento.' -Tobio

You didn't know what to do. Your heart was filled with excitement yet your mind was fighting a war.

"Go with the gut feeling," Hana mentioned before getting back to work. You pushed the bento box and the flowers aside and continued on with your work.


Kageyama was preparing for his last night in Torono Town. He dressed up in a nice black suit and smiled to himself. He was going to wait at the restaurant whether you showed up or not. Kageyama grabbed his car keys and headed out. He was on his way to get another flower bouquet when someone greeted him.

"Oh my, Kageyama-kun?" he turned to where the voice came from. Not far from him was a young lady he recognized as your old best friend when you both attended Karasuno.

"Kotori-san," Kageyama smiled and bowed. She chuckled and bowed back, "I didn't know you would be in town the same time I would. What a coincidence."

"How's Tokyo?" he asked. Kotori smiled, "It's been wonderful. I met my husband while attending college and now we have a little son who's actually into volleyball."

"Congratulations!" Kageyama cheerfully said. "It's great to see that you're doing wonderful."

"Same to you," Kotori said and glanced at Kageyama up and down. "You've become successful like what (F/N)-chan wanted you to be."

"Ah yes," he nodded.

"If she didn't lie to you, I wonder if there would be any little Kageyama's or (F/N)'s running around," she chuckled to herself and realized what she just said.

"Lie?" he tilted his head and stared at Kotori. "What do you mean?"

She was about to find a way out of it but sighed. Kotori knew of the pain you had to go through and felt it was time Kageyama knew.

"(F/N)-chan lied about not wanting to be with you," Kotori explained and shook her head. "She felt that if she was to continue to be your girlfriend, she would hold you back from your dreams to become a professional volleyball player. She knew how much volleyball meant to you and didn't want you losing sight of it. (F/N)-chan felt it was for the best to break up and let you focus on practice and games without having to worry about her."

Kageyama felt his heart clenched in pain and anger. He was shocked that even his body was becoming weak.

"I know I'm not in the spot to say this," Kotori added. "But seeing your reaction, I know (F/N)-chan would never have the courage to tell you."

"I have to get going," Kageyama bowed and left without another word to say. He walked to his car and sat in the driver seat as the words Kotori said rampage his mind. His hands curled into fists feeling a rage of anger. All these years he thought you had stopped loving him. But now he knew. You were forcing yourself to be happy when in reality you were broken and he didn't realize it.


That night as you finished work, you got into a taxi and told the driver to take you to the restaurant. You didn't even realize it until the car stopped and you walked out to find the nice familiar lighting. You ended up paying the driver and heading inside. It wasn't hard to find Kageyama within the restaurant. Although he had black hair, his aura stood out among the other customers. You only had a view of his back before walking past him and taking the empty seat in front of him.

"Sorry for being late-," you said and paused when you saw his facial expression. He was staring blankly ahead yet his eyebrows were furrowed. You knew something was bothering him and was about to ask when he cut you off.

"Why did you lie to me?" the words came out colder than expected. You were shocked to hear the question and was lost to find a reply. Kageyama stood up and walked towards you.

"Why were my dreams so important that you had decided leave me?" he started bombarding you with questions. "Why did my success meant something but my feelings didn't?"

"W-what are you talking about?" you backed away as he moved closer. His cold eyes looked upon yours.

"You were never a burden so why?!" he raised his voice. You widened your eyes in shock. It was quiet as the two of you became the center of attention. You hung your head unaware of what to say to him.

"All these years," Kageyama's anger was getting the best of him. "All these freakin' years have you ever thought about what I felt?! I went to practice, I cried, I get triggered by the smallest things that remind me about you and I break and fall apart. I picked myself back up and repeat that damn ugly cycle!"

"Sir, you are causin-," the waiter came to calm Kageyama down but Kageyama only shook his head.

"I'm trying so hard to get you back and here I am finding out that you lied so I can become this awesome professional volleyball player you wanted mw to be," he glared at you. "I may be successful but I'm not happy about this lifestyle!"

He took in a deep breath and looked at you with calming eyes now, "Tell me you still love me, tell me please."

The tears were at the edge of your eyes as you look back at Kageyama. You apologized and hung your head.

"I'm sorry, Tobio-kun," you tried to hold in the tears but failed to do so. All the pain you had tried to withstand for the past years came crashing back down on you. In that second, Kageyama cupped your faced and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and passionate. You had missed it so much, the warmth, the touch, everything. The missing piece that you broke off from long ago had reconnected and it was the best feeling ever. The two of you backed away to get some air as Kageyama stared at you.

"I love you, (F/N)-chan," he whispered as his forehead touched yours. You smiled, "I love you too, Tobio-kun."

The two of you managed to get dinner that night along with a long conversation of what had happened and what was going to happen in the future.

"In which that brings me to what I have to say next..." Kageyama said and trailed off. There was a long paused before he spoke up again.

"I'm leaving for Kyoto tomorrow," he mentioned. Just as you were in a good mood, hearing that from Kageyama, you felt your heart dropping. Just when everything was fixed and going well, you had forgotten that he was a professional volleyball player. You should have remembered that he had to leave no matter what.

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