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You and Nanami went to the shrine after school to hang out, and you helping Nanami clean around the shrine, you yourself had once been a landgod, so you knew the struggle. Well officially, you still were a landgod. To be exact, you're 718 years old, you were born in 1298, your family had befriended a landgod years before, when it came to it's age he passed his mark to you, making you a landgod. You took care of the shrine just like Nanami is doing now.

When time passed by you looked up at the sky to see the sun had set pretty far, it should almost be time for that damn snake to show up. You notified Tomoe, Nanami and the spirits who already knew he would come. A few minutes later the snake yokai showed up. "Took you long enough." You told him annoyed. The yokai was wearing green and beige traditional clothing. You were in your human form wearing the school uniform. The others were inside. "You're not the landgod of this shrine, so why did you bring me here?" He asked ignoring your comment. "That's  not the matter, I told you to come here because of your proposal." You replied with disgust. He looked unsure but quickly changed his mood, he smiled brightly. "You saved me from a difficult situation, humans are mostly scared of me." The snake spoke sweetly with a smile. He grinned. "How did you know I wasn't a regular snake?" He questioned. Did he not realise you're not human? Well partly not. "You don't see many pure white snakes." You clarified. "Will you take your proposal?" You asked politely. He looked surprised. Meeting eyes with you again, he smirked. "I fear I can not do that." His smile grew even wider. "I've already claimed you to be mine." He demanded waiting for you to reply. He came down from one the the many branches of a tree near you to stand in front of you. You noticed his defined white lashes which surrounded his strong green eyes. "And now you can unclaim me. I'm not marrying a snake. You're pray." You growled at the yokai. He was surprised, he didn't think a mere human would stand up to him like that. "Human landgod, I don't think you know what I can do." He smirked at you grabbing your arm and holding you close to him. You looked up at him angrily. "Right back at ya." You snarled releasing your spell revealing ears and tail and returning you into your kimono. You still looked up at him as his eyes widened. He tightened his grip sliding his other arm around your back using it to hold you closer to him. "You look even prettier like this." He spoke sweetly. You pushed him away and stared at the snake. "Like I said, you're a snake, you're pray. You can't marry me." You assured him. "You're not saying no?" He said smiling and taking a step foreward. You backed away. "I really thought you were just human, now this just makes things harder, but better." He doubted. "More reason to take this away. I'm done talking, just do as I say." You said unsure. Sure you were flattered.
The snake came closer taking your arm again. He looked at his mark then back at you. "You want me to remove it?" He said grinning when looking at you. What is he doing? "Oh yeah, that wou-" You were cut off by that damn snake kissing you, right on the lips. He had sealed a contract. He must have noticed you were a landgod. Yeah, you're still a landgod, though, you abandoned your shrine. Living the life of a yokai, you told yourself that if the right person came by you would give away your mark. Well fuck, the snake was your familiar now. You pushed him away. "You idiot, do you realise what you've done." You growled at him whiping your lips. "I made myself your familiar, sealed the contract." He replied in a deep voice. He chuckled with a remaining smirk. You rolled your eyes putting your hand on your head sighing. Nanami and Tomoe came outside and asked if you were okay. Tomoe and the snake both froze. "Mizuki!?" Tomoe said getting his foxfire ready. "You darn snake!" Tomoe yelled as he was stopped by Nanami clinging onto him begging him to stop. After Nanami regained her composture she cleared her throat. "Y/N-Chan, what did he do?" Nanami said worried frowning her eyebrows. Tomoe was glaring at the snake when Mizuki was smirking at Tomoe being restricted. "He sealed the familiar contract with me." You told the girl. "Wait, he kissed you? But only god's can seal that contract right?" Naname asked confused, you nodded at her when she realised, you're still a landgod. "He must somehow have noticed." You said as you glared at him. "This can be a good thing right? You can control him now." Nanami chuckled. Both Tomoe and Mizuki froze. Tomoe started laughing at Mizuki. "My Nanami, you sure have become clever. You're right." You turned back to Mizuki smirking. Oh how am I going to explain this to Kurama. "Oh Mizuki, right? Why don't you come join us inside?" You asked him. "Well.. I'd rather not.." He said softly fearing for you to use the contract against him. "Mizuki, follow me. Now." You used sacret word binding. He froze, he had to listen. He came towards you glaring. Tomoe just started having a laughing fit. "I didn't think you would be this idiotic snake." He was able to say. "I didn't know she was a yokai I only thought she was a human landgod." He tried to defend himself looking away. You chuckled. "You thought you could have power over me. I wonder what you would have done when you could. Kill me to take my mark?" You laughed this time. "Tch." Mizuki replied.

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