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My my, this is just here to inform you that we will be returning to the main story line, your POV, tell me if you'd like different POV's I could even make one about Tomoe and Nanami even Kuruma. I know I know. A lot of updates in one day!

This morning you woke up, this time with a note on the table beside you:

"Hello Lady Y/N-Sama,
I apologise in advance for my absence. I saw you were out of ingredients and water so I thought to buy new ones. I left this morning and will return in a maximum of one hour. Breakfast is on the table and I'm sure Kurama has already found it. It is a great oppertunity to conversate with him."

- Mizuki

You smiled as you read the note and appreciated his fomality and kindness. When finished you smelled a delicious aroma. It was sweet with a hint of vanilla and salt. You got out of your bed as you stepped in your slippers and walked over to the living room, Kurama was already reading the newspaper as he noticed you coming in. The table was decorated with pancakes and waffles with various of sweets and fruits surrounding it. You enjoyed the smell it created before you started applying everything to a pancake. Kurama started at you chewing his waffle as he cut off another bit. "So." He spoke muffled. "What am I supposed to do as your familiar?" He asked, having the fact that he's a familiar eased in. He looked at you with his dark eyes and full mouth for an answer. "Well Mizuki is doing a great job at doing everything." You teased raising an eyebrow and the Tengu. His wings stiffened as your tail rose in a playful way. He sighed. "Not happening, and you know it." Kurama snarled at you. You chuckled as Kurama smiled. "Well you can always protect me?" You suggested as last resort. Kurama chocked on his own waffle. "Like you need protection, you'd easily kill that snake if he offended you." Kurama chuckled. He sort of complimented you? Wow, this is your lucky day. An amazing breakfast and Kurama acting as his usual self.

30 minutes later you and Kuruma were getting ready to head for school. You quickly wrote a note for Mizuki who didn't come back yet. Did he even know how to handle people? Humans? You sighed. "Where did Mizuki-san go anyway?" Kurama asked curious. "He went out shopping. I'm having my second thoughts about letting him though." You admitted as Kurama choked on his water. "That snake!? Alone with humans!?" He yelled at you getting ready to scold you as he froze, he calmed down and stepped back. What he did wasn't like himself, was it the contract? "Huh?" Kurama spoke. "What just happened?" He asked you worriedly. "What do you mean?" You weren't sure of you were right. "I just.. Stopped. Don't give me the crap by saying you didn't notice." He looked at you sternly. "I did, is it the contract?" You suggested, Kurama shrugged. You both weren't sure. You sighed once more. "I'll be putting on my uniform." You quickly told him as you went in your room to transform your outfit. Kurama never put on his uniform, like the rebel he is.

The two of you left the apartment to use Kurama's limo to drive to school. You both stepped in and started to conversate. On your way you looked out of the window and spotted Mizuki carrying various of bags when a few girls approached him and started talking to him touching his clothing and taking pictures. You groaned at the sight. Were you jealous? You were sure Mizuki would go home well seeing he had done the groceries and was easily talking to those girls. Ew, those girls. "Hey was that Mizuki-san? Kurama asked. You were surprised he used an honorific for Mizuki, he rarely did for anyone, only the ones he respected? "He's with girls??" He looked surprised. "Chauffeur, stop the car please." He told the driver. "But sir, school is starting in 30 minutes." The driver argued. "Yeah so? 30 mins right?" Kurama replied as the limo stopped. He stepped out of the limo as he took you with him by the hand. You were confused, what was he up to? We needed to go to school.

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