
1.9K 84 6

You were brought back to reality by Mizuki shaking you. "Y/N? Y/N?" He repeated. You quickly looked up at Mizuki's eyes as you took his hands off of your shoulders telling him you're okay. Kurama glanced over the shrine terrain with his hands in his pockets. "Y/N, why aren't you living here?" Kurama asked returning his gaze to you. They really didn't know that that memory hurt you. You looked past what happened back then when you took care of the shrine. You wanted to stay now that you had returned. Your want was strong enough to make you stay, and you knew it. You'd throw away your yokai life by returning. Would you do that?

A small child came up the stairs to the shrine as the three of you watched the girl walk up for her parents to follow. The adults looked over to the three of you. You and Kurama being in casual clothing and Mizuki in his traditional outfit. You got nervous when they appeared seeing it was your shrine and all. Did they come to pray to you? To you? "Hello miss! Are you here to wish to Lady Y/N aswell?" The small child asked you tugging on your jacket. You flushed immediately. Kurama had one eyebrow raised and Mizuki watched you standing near the shrine. "U-Uh yeah.." You told her as she smiled brightly at your response. "Mommy and daddy are going to aswell!" She told you. W-What..? You looked over at the young parents. "Nina come over here. Don't bother the woman." Her mother told the kid as she gave you a smile. The human couple approached you as they introduced themselves. "Hello, my name is Naremaji Koneka. I haven't seen you around this shrine before, are you new?" She asked you as you were lost for words. You couldn't think about anything. You only felt glad. "Uh, I haven't visited this shrine in a long time." You admitted as the small girl hugged your leg. "It's good to see a young generation visit shrines. Most people stopped believing in gods." The woman told you as she looked over to the shrine. She nudged for you to follow as she the kid and the man followed. She walked inside to a board which had pieces of wood hanging onto it. "Are you going to write down a wish or prayer?" The woman asked as she handed you a piece of thin wood and a pencil. You followed her actions and went along. A human? A human who prayed and wished to you? Even after you had abandoned this place? They continued to believe? Your head filled with thoughts. The woman started writing something down as the kid told her what she wanted to wish for. These people.. They saw you as their god? You looked up from the piece of wood and started reading another piece of wood hanging on the board. Were all of these prayers and wishes directed to you? 'Dear Lady Y/N, my friends are fighting and it's getting really bad. Can you help us find peace? -Shima' One read. 'Lady of this shrine, I don't know what to do about the fight I have with my brother, I love him but I cant forgive him. Can you help me find a way to trust him again? -Koneru' Another read. You continued reading the plates as the woman next to you looked up and watched you read them. "Those are prayers that have been written by people who needed help from the god of this shrine. She appears to be gone but people have faith she will return." She gave a gentle smile when she finished her own piece. "C-Can I read it?" You struggled to ask as the woman looked at you surprised but handed it to you. "I come here in hope for the god of this shrine to return and to meet her." She told you embarrassed by her message on the wood. 'Dear Y/N-sama, I still hope for you to return. I want to see you and tell you how much your words meant to me through my whole life. I wish that you can find peace and return to this shrine. -Koneka' You read the plate as a tear escaped your eye. You covered your mouth and let yourself fall on your knees. You started crying. The woman tried to help you as Mizuki put a hand on her shoulder giving her an assuring look.
You cried for a minute before Mizuki kneeled down beside you trying to comfort you. He put his arms around you pulling you inside of him. He pulled you up. "Y/N I think the first wish you can fulfill can be the one of this woman." Mizuki told you looking at the woman. Even after everything. People still loved you? They still believed in you? The woman looked at you two surprised as she took a step back. "Mommy! Your wishes came true! That's Lady Y/N!" The child called for her mother. Koneka gulped as she awaited your response. You whiped your tears away and cleared your throat letting go of Mizuki. "Thank you Koneka-san, you have given me hope. Your actions and words have moved me." You stared as the woman covered her mouth in shock. You returned to your normal form in front of the family. "I think I can fulfill your wish." You told the woman with tears of happiness in your eyes. Koneka started tearing up and crying when her husband hold her in his arms. "Is it really you Lady Y/N?" She asked with a shaky voice. "Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much." You said running up to the woman and embracing her. "You have made me return." You assured the woman as you released her from your grasp. She was shocked but felt at ease. You whiped her tears away. "I will never forget you. You have reminded me what it means to be a god. Thank you so much Koneka-san." You told her looking in the mothers eyes. You bowed before her. She smiled at you with disbelief in her eyes. She was stunned. You meant so much to her. You nodded and gave her a closed eyed smile. Thank you Koneka for having my sense return to me.

This was intense when writing. For the 1.5k milestone. This chapter. :)

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