The Chapter Where Sterotypes Are Tested and Unconscious Loves

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So she sat next to Hayley. She was laying down with her head propped up on someone's backpack with a thin layer of clothes as a makeshift blanket. Her breaths were the only steady noise besides the crickets. The henna tattoos were still present on her now pale skin. The familiarity of them was what probably led her to trace them once again.

Though she'd never admit it out loud Anna had memorized ever henna tattoo Hayley had ever gotten. The tracing was just a way to make sure they were still there. Every intricate sun and moon, every wilting flower with silky leaves, every lyric that meant something, and even a few that didn't mean anything. Anna even knew what they meant, because despite the amount of making out and other things they did Hayley talked more than she realized.

She was an open book once you decided to actually read it. At first it struck Anna as weird how open and honest she was, as someone who came from a home that was locked up tighter than Alcatraz. That was one of the reasons she loved her. Another thing she wouldn't admit out loud, loving someone took time, it took fights and make ups and trust. So saying you loved someone after just a few weeks was a pretty strange thing.

"Hey, I need to check her vitals for a second so can I just-?" It was Will, he pointed to where she was sitting. Nodding she moved awkwardly past Will and to the other side of Hayley. As he checked her pulse he tried to make some kind of conversation. "So you two were close?"

Of course Will knew that this wasn't just true but an understatement. After the closet incident back in March he had caught Hayley sneaking out on multiple occasions. So eventually he had started to piece it together after dozens of 'Anna' muttered in her sleep that something was there.

"I guess," Was Anna's response she was tracing her other arm now, although nothing as big was on this arm. "We used to be really good friends and then we weren't and then the closet thing and now this,"

"Yeah, how exactly did you guys get stuck in that closet anyway?" He asked pulling out his stethoscope that he must've packed or else that boy had too many pockets in his cargo shorts.

"Oh we were just walking and then someone pushed us in and locked the door," That night had started out horrible, she was still reeling over the fact that Hayley actually had a date. One of her brother's at that, of course they seemed to be going as friends but still. She distinctly remembered calling dibs on Hayley, at least mentally she did. Which explained a lot of fights that had happened over the years she was there.

"Someone pushed you two into a closet and locked it?" He raised an eyebrow like he didn't believe her, which he probably didn't. The story sounded completely bogus even to her, something straight out of a fan fiction. Then it hit her, literally a drop of water splattered on her face as she realized it.

"Oh my gods my siblings probably did it, now it all makes sense!" That made sense why Mitchell had acted so uninterested in Hayley right after the closet incident! She could feel her cheeks reddening at her own stupidity. "How did it take me this long to realize that?"

Will just shrugged with an amused smile pasted on his face. From behind they heard sounds of swords clanging. Anna reached for her sword while Will just kept continuing to check on Hayley. She was confused until she saw it was just Nico and Dawn. Even though Dawn was more than a foot shorter she was putting up a good fight.

It was actually scary to see her with a sword. The girl was a natural and picked up on the other's style quicker than most. Really it was an intense match to watch the two of them, especially with all of their similarities. People even though they were siblings for about five minutes before Apollo's blazing arrows showed up.

"Well now that I feel like a complete idiot, how is Hayley doing?" She prayed the desperation wasn't in her voice even though she knew it was. Anna had to apologize now that she realized that she didn't want to lose Hayley.

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