chapter 3: The Beach

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I woke up the next morning to my sister Aylin playing Wii sports in the living room. I always complained to my mom why I had to have my room on the bottom floor next to the living room. My sisters Denisse and Aylin both had their rooms upstairs. Aylin was 14 and Denisse was 13 so we're all 1 year apart (since I'm 15).

I walked out of my room and smelled the delicious smell of pancakes. "Go wake up your sister. We're going to the beach today!" My mom told me. "Ugh why do I always have to! Can't Aylin do something for once?!" "Well I'm in the middle of a game." Aylin said in a cocky way. My mom gave me that 'do it or there'll be consequences face' so I ran upstairs.

"Hey Denisse wake up. Mom's making pancakes and we're going to the beach later." We both rushed downstairs and Aylin was already eating. "Hey Mom, can I invite someone to come with us?" "No Bella, this is a family beach day. No friends." "Well dad won't even be there..." I mumbled under my breath. "I'm sorry Bella. None of us wanted it to happen... but it's not anyone's fault. He was just walking and got shot remember?" "Yeah... yeah." "Well guys, cheer up! He's in a better place now and we're going to the beach!" Denisse said. "Yeah! The beach is our favorite place to go as a family so we might as well enjoy it!" Ayline added in.

*4 hours later*

We finally came to the beach and we all helped to take out the bags and things we brought to the beach. Aylin, Denisse, and I raced to the beach water. "I'm so tired ugh let's stop running." "Yeah I'm gonna stop" Denisse agreed. "Let me win you guys first!" Ayline kept running but her legs made her look like she was gonna collapse. Denisse and I got to the water and laughed at how funny Aylin looked. We waited for our mom to come before we got in the water so she knew where we were.

All three of us played in the water and I decided to go out to get a drink of water. "Hey Mom, where are the waters?" While she was getting a water bottle for me, I looked around. I saw how happy everyone is and it made me think of how Dad would play with us at the beach. "Here" she handed me a water and smiled. I grabbed it but I dropped it out of no where. I was in so much shock. I saw him. Here. At the beach. Right now?!

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Sorry i didn't update yesterday, I couldn't think of what to write for this exact chapter lololol but I did figure it out yay! Anyways, comment for more if you liked the chapter! I love y'all! -Jasmin💖

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