chapter 7: Beach Nights part 3

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I woke up to a sweet soft voice calling my name. "Bella, we're here." I opened my eyes and saw Joel's chocolate colored eyes in front of me. "Oh um I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep." I got red and laughed while looking down, then he lifted up my chin gently and leaned in. Our lips almost touched but Yoandri interrupted again. "Are you guys going to come in?" Yoandri said with a smirk on his face. I laughed and Joel said "Not funny Yoandri." He glared at him (in a joking way) and I got my bag. Us three walked in together into Joel's house to meet with the rest of their friends. "Hey Joel, I thought we were going to get pizza and see a movie?" "Yeah we are. But we decided to do it here instead." He smiled and took my hand. "Follow me." I follow him to the living room where he told me I could set down my things.

"Hey Joel, Dariz and I decided to go home because tomorrow she has to go to work early and I'm supposed to drop her off." Richard told us. "Bye guys! Hope we can meet again Bella." Dariz said before they left the door. We all said bye and soon enough, Richard and Dariz left.

Ding dong - the door bell rang. "Oh I think that's Chris" Joel said. "He told me that he would come later." Yoandri went to go get the door. "Aye Emanuel." Then they did that "boy shake hands pat on back" thing, and then Emanuel stepped in. "What are you doing here?" Joel asked him all annoyed. "I just came back from work, chill." He started to laugh. "I see you have many friends here. I'm going to go over to my friends house, okay? I'll be back later. Bye guys." Emanuel waved at us all and we all said bye back, and then he left.

"Chris just texted me. He's not coming anymore. And the pizza should be coming soon." "Finally, because I'm hungry." Ivette and Prisma said in sync. We all laughed then got up to go to the kitchen table.

Jaime came into the kitchen, "The pizza, has arrived." We all laughed and grabbed a seat to sit down and start eating. It was a circled table. Joel sat on the right of me, and then next to him was Yoandri, then Jessica, Daniela, Prisma, Jaime, Ivette, and Erick (who was on the left side of me). "Let's play a game of truth or dare!" Yoandri's girlfriend Jessica suggested. "Ok I'll go first..." Jaime said. "Joel, truth or dare?" "Um, dare." "I dare you to kiss the person to your left." Joel and I made eye contact and we he got red. "Don't be a chicken" Jessica said and starting making chicken noises. "Fine." Joel said and kissed me. I kissed him back and it felt like the world stopped for a couple of seconds. "And save" Yoandri said. "You did not just take a video." Joel snapped and Yoandri and they started arguing but we continued the game, although Joel was glaring at Yoandri the whole time.

*skips the rest of the game*

And hour later we decided to split up into two rooms to watch movies: one room was the girls and the other was the boys. Daniela, Jessica, Ivette, Prisma, and I all chose the movie Mean Girls and started to watch it. "Hey Bella, do you like Joel?" Prisma asked me. "Well, I don't know." I blushed. "That kiss seemed real." Ivette said. "And magical." Daniela added in. "Sorry, they like making people feel uncomfortable." Daniela said and we all laughed. "It's okay. Now let's enjoy this movie!"

*skips the movie time*

The movie finished and everyone fell asleep where we were because we were all tired and it was late. But I was thristy so I decided to get up, to get a glass of water.

*skips to the morning*

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Anyways, if you liked it,comment for more :) and once again, thank you all for reading my story! It means a lot to me😊💖 -Jasmin

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