¤Baby, we have forever¤

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If there was something Yoongi liked about HoSeok would be the way that the younger male enjoys taking care of kids. When they would go to the park HoSeok would play with all of the little kids any sort of game they invented. And to Yoongi, that was beautiful. The way his eyes would light up, the way his heart shaped smile adorned his tanned skin. The way he cared and seemed surprised for anything being new or old to him. And he wouldn't forget how HoSeok would whine cutely every time he saw a newborn baby. Or when he saw the look on the his face when he was carrying Jin and Namjoon's baby boy, SeokJoon. And definitely would never forget what HoSeok said when he thought Yoongi was asleep one night.

So here Yoongi was, looking at the kids at the park playing around. Laughing and giggling at the things only they knew. He smiled when he saw a kid running into his fathers arms and his father tossed him up into the air and caught him and then rubbed both their nosses together. It made him remember when JongIn did the same to his baby boy. Or the way Taehyung held Sandeul as well. He sighed as he readjusted his backpack containing his notebooks full of lyrics and other notes and continued walking. His phone began ringing and he looked at the number and smiled.

"Hello?" He answered as he walked closer to the house he and HoSeok had moved into, well actually it was one of Suho's but the latter gave it to them as a gift since it had taken a toll on him thinking that HoSeok was dead. "No my husband doesn't need to know. Yeah he knows that I'm on my way to Korea for a business trip. And I'd like to keep it that way. So I'll see you then? great." He smiled and hung up the call never noticing that HoSeok, Jin and Woozi were right behind him. He entered the house and immediately went in for a shower since he had a flight in an hour.


HoSeok sat in the living room looking at the picture he and Yoongi took on their wedding day. He began to question about how their relationship had been on the past days. Now that he thought about it, he did see Yoongi on his phone a lot. He barely even touched him and talked to him. And when he did, it was a simple, "work was tiring. I'm going to sleep" and would just kiss him cheek and fall asleep as soon as his head hit the mattress. He began tearing up and leaned his head on Jin's lap. They heard the sound of shuffling upstairs and soon enough they saw Yoongi going down the stairs with a simple duffle bag and his backpack on his back. He was on the phone and a big smile adorned his face.

"Thank you again, see you when I land." Yoongi smiled and hung up his phone placing it in his back pocket. He looked at HoSeok and saw his teary eyes. He immediately pulled him in for a hug. He kissed his temple and then went in for his lips. "Relax babe, I love you. I'll give you a big surprise when I come back. I promise. "He smiled brightly, even brighter than Chanyeol whenever he was showing off his bright straight teeth.

Hoseok nodded and hugged him really tight. He looked down towards his husband and lifted his chin up with his finger and connected their lips giving him a sweet kiss. When he pulled away, Yoongi was staring at the ground ignoring Hoseok who frowned and sniffled silently. "I love you Yoongi."

"My flight! I have to go. You guys take care of Hobi alright?" Yoongi said to both Jin and his younger brother who were a bit confused. Without another word, Yoongi walked out of the house and entered the cab he had called to pick him up a day before. He drove off looking back towards his home and that's when he remembered. "Please go back, I will only take a minute." He pleaded to the cab driver who nodded and parked in front of the house again. Yoongi ran inside of the house and felt his heart break when he saw Hoseok tearing up. So with out hesitation, he walked over to him and crashed their lips together and pulled away. "I love you too." And just like that, he was gone.

When he arrived at Seoul later he got his bags, someone caught his attention

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When he arrived at Seoul later he got his bags, someone caught his attention. He walked over to the woman who was smiling at him and gave her a brief hug. "thank you for coming. "

The lady smiled. "Why would I not Yoongi? now let's go, we shouldn't waste more time. " She said taking his hand and pulling him towards the entrance of The Incheon Airport leading them to her car.


HoSeok was hugging his pillow tight. It had been a week and The thought of Yoongi not loving him anymore Broke his heart and it had him in tears. And now that he thought about it, Yoongi had been traveling to South Korea over the last year and it was every month or so. HoSeok quickly sat up and looked at a picture of Yoongi, what if he had been cheating on him this whole time? what if he had fallen in love with another man? or worse!! A woman!! He quickly lied back down and looked at the calendar on his phone, Yoongi was meant to be home and hour ago and he was still not there. He was staring to worry but calmed down ow when he heard a door close making him jump to his feet and run down the stairs as fast as a lighting. However he tripped down the stairs and Braced for the impact but never felt it. That's when the lights turned on to reveal all of his friends. (A\N: guys should I really tell you who is there? Y'all might now already... Ukiss, exo, bts, shinee, suju, got7, big bang, b.a.p.)

"What are you all doing here?" HoSeok asked surprised looking at everyone who Was sitting around.

"Well" Jin spoke up and suddenly opened the front door revealing the back of Yoongi. "yoongi why don't You Turn around and give our Hoseokkie his gift? " He Asked happily and HoSeok walked over to the door.

When HoSeok was outside, he was about to say something but a small whine caught his attention. He looked over and saw the small bundle that was on his husbands arms and he gasped. "Is this my surprise? " H asked taking the whiny baby from Yoongi's hold and holding it like if he had given birth to him. "who's is he? " he asked as his heart began racing Thinking it could be Yoongi's an some woman's.

"Remember Angel smiles?" Yoongi asked the younger and looked at the now awake baby. "I ran into Seulgi about a year ago and we catched up. Then I decided to visit the orphanage and I decided to visit every time I went to work over there. But a month ago I came in sight with the most beautiful baby ever. His Name is Jae and" he handed Hoseok a file. "He is now our baby. " he flashed the younger his famous gummy smile and leaned in to kiss his lover who returned the kiss with passion.

Flashback a month ago

"yoongi he is beautiful" Woozi smiled and held the baby. "When are you going to take him home?" He asked looking at his brother.

Yoongi smiled and looked at the newborn. "In a month, apparently the process is more faster now so I did the paperwork yesterday and now I'm just waiting for the confirmation. I really want him. And I think Hoseok will be happy with him.

"I think so too"

End of flashback

A week later

"Yoongi, babe, since I top you. " HoSeok started as he carried and fed baby Jae while watching Yoongi cook. "That's means you're the mother." He said as he burped the baby and then placed him down to sleep in the crib inside of the living room and walked behind Yoongi who seemed deep in thought.

"Should we change the positions? " Yoongi smirked as he lowered the heat on the stove.

"Nope, remember that your.. "Hoseok looked around to make sure join wasn't anywhere around their house. "Your ass is mi- OW JIN HYUNG WHAT THE FU- OW NO DONT HIT ME THATS HURTS! " Hoseok cried out loud and soon heard baby Jae crying. Yoongi went off to calm the baby down as Mother SeokJin scolded Hoseok for the vulgar language that he had used.

Since there was indeed a gathering at their place, all of their friends who were outside were laughing as they heard Jin and HoSeok

Yoongi looked at baby Jae as he sat on his bed. He smiled and kissed his son's temple. "I hope you rap like both your daddy's in the future Jae, I will support you on anything you decided to do... And trust me, Baby, we have forever" he whispered to the baby who looked straight into his eyes and surprisingly... Jae smiled at Yoongi before going serious again and started staring around his two daddy's bedroom.


Yoonseok to you guys! Well to the reader who asked for Yoonseok :)

Please ignore the mistakes, I'll correct it later



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