Chapter V

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Dear Haya Beauregard,

I am so sorry to have not replied to your letter sooner. I am aware however, that it has been over a month since it has been sent. When your father initially met with me at his house, I was on my way out of the country unbeknownst to the both of you.

Now that I have my apology out of the way I would like to address your quite beautiful compositions.

They are far better than you attribute yourself for. Each one has its own wonderful melody, and I fully wish to play them. My fingers are itching! Forgive me for asking, but may I have your permission to play your beauteous works? It is proper to ask a composer if another may play their pieces. It is in comparison to asking an artist if one may sell their paintings whilst they still live.

I understand that you find your melodies less than satisfactory in lieu of my playing... Well, my playing has been a practice since birth which is why I have mastered such an art. I thank you for your comment on how I play fluently as though I speak music... In a way I am sure you are correct. I speak music because I live music day to day. Music has been my life since I first laid hands upon a piano; I have yet to stop since.



P.S. You may address me as such, as long as I may call you Haya.

Dearest Erik,

I appreciate the fact you wish address me plainly, or even address me at all. Your reply came as a pleasant surprise the moment I received it so late. I much prefer you have a later reply than to never have your reply at all.

The fact you even asked to play my music makes me smile in and of myself. You could have sent me that singularly as your reply, and I still would have been tickled pink. So, yes you may play whatever you wish of my music from henceforth on.

I learned to play when I was young from father. He taught me and I was able to use a hidden talent, per say, to enhance such teaching.

I believe not that you appreciate my music in the way you say you do. Yet, I am so very pleased that you seem to enjoy it as you have said. It is an honor that I seemingly can not grasp by my mind, yet I will humbly accept it in due time.

I can still hear your playing in my ears when I sleep, even nearly two months later. Serious as I am, I should find myself admitting that your lithe hands and musical mind are what inspired my music.

My hopes are that you are offended not by your being something of my muse. If that term offends you I can easily assume another one for you however hard that task may become.

Oh, Erik, your reply means much to me and my music.

A few questions in hopes to keep your replies steady, if they are alright by you.

Which of my compositions is your favorite?

What is your favorite novel?

What is your favorite piece of music in general?

Whom is your muse?

You do not find me too young to be taken seriously as a composer, do you?


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