Chapter VII

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Haya was poking at her curly hair that morning, putting powder over her features that she had made specially for her skin tone. They smoothed over, and she smiled at her complexion. She'd put on her finest dress, and she had even tied her corset extra tight that day. The dress was beautiful on her skin, for it was comprised of a deep tan and a gorgeous red that made her look like a queen. She could even see the excitement for the day in her very own eyes. To say she looked anything less than ethereal would be a lie, and even the man she was meeting would agree.

"Haya, you look wonderful," her father said gently coming into her room.

"Thank you, I'm just meeting Erik."

Henry nodded with his lips pursed.

"I was afraid of that."

"Father, were are going to compose, nothing more," she argued with a friendly smile. "We are simply friends, just like you and him."

Haya put no true meaning behind those words.

Henry looked at her with a guarded expression when the doorbell rang, alerting them to Erik's arrival.

Henry reached the door first by some miracle and then his face paled. Haya attempted to peer around the door, but it was obviously not the warm embrace Erik usually offered to his friend. It wasn't even Erik from what she'd caught a glimpse of.

"Yes... I understand... Thank you," Henry said sharply, his breathing deep.

"Father? Papa, what is it?" Haya inquired, looking at the letter which looked identical to the one he received that while ago. What was it, three almost four months now?

"A letter," her replied the same as last, "Nothing but a letter," he growled as he took out the parcel's contents and read over it.

Haya tempted with all her might to read the words written upon the parchment, but there was no success in such endeavors.

"It- Please just ignore the letters presence, alright?" Henry begged his daughter until another knock came upon their door.

"Alright," Haya said worriedly, reaching to open the door and finding Erik in its threshold.

"Haya," he said with a smile, his eyes quickly glancing to Henry behind her.

"Erik," she said with much more enthusiasm.

"Ready to go?"

Haya nodded and picked up her parasol, waving goodbye to her father as she closed the door.

Erik held out his arm and allowed Haya to grasp it as she smiled at him gently. It was nothing but a friendly gesture but it certainly felt wonderful. He looked weary, but happy at the same time.

"There seems to be something wrong, Haya, you wear your emotions like you wear your rather beautiful dress."

Haya furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her tan hand grasping the black of Erik's suit. His pale hand resting on his non-existing stomach. She could feel his muscles, but where did they come from?

"I prefer not to discuss it," she said and looked away from his peering, yellow gaze.

"Haya, if it bothers you so," Erik said as he began their walk to his flat, "You should most certainly speak of it."

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