Chapter 7;

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Yes okay everything u read In the last two chapters was wrong! My account was hacked and I just now noticed!!! So forget the last two chapters. Well in chapter six they had a heated makeout session which leads to Alexia falling asleep. Continue reading now!


Alexia's POV

I wake up three hours later to me cuddled up into dakotas side and my phone lighting up like a Christmas tree. "Babeee" he grumbles as I lean over him grabbing my phone. "Sorry" I giggle back on my back. I slide my phone to unlock it and type in me and dakotas anniversary as my password and smile at my lock screen our first kiss. I then smile even brighter at the picture of Me, Brittney, Sophia, and Nina at the lake. I then feel Dakota chin burying into my neck. "Oh you big baby" I chuckle getting up and throwing one of his t-shirts on. He moans in protest and reaches for me but easily misses.

I check my messages and realize there from the girls and my mom.

N- hey don't forget movie night @yourplace tonight

B- getting junk food now see you in an hour.

S- stop making out with Dakota and get your ass ready for movie night😂

I reply to all of them lmao okay love you and click my phone off. "Dakota get up" I say grabbing the pillows out from under him. "I need my beauty sleep" he grumbles tucking under the blanket. "Well you gotta take me home" I laugh taking his blanket's. "Your the most demanding, annoying, most beautiful girl I have ever met!" He says picking me up and pressing me to the wall. "But I love you" he says kissing my lips gently. His hands lead under my ass gripping it causing me to moan. His body is pressed against mine and I smile when he whines. "I need to go home" I moan as he sucks on my soft spot. He sets me down gently and I lead to the bathroom. I move my hair to the side. "Damn it Dakota another hicki" I huff grabbing concealer and blush I purposely bought for this. "My mom will kill you" I say finally covering it up. "Hun, you know it's your turn on" he winks at me before leading me to his truck. "Let me drive" I say. "Ha no way" he said grabbing the keys off the table. "Why not?" I protest following him outside. "Because no one drives my truck" he said opening my door. "Whatever" I mumble hoping up. He shuts my door and gets in.

15 minutes later

"Oh hi Dakota!" My mom squeals giving him a hug. "Hi ms. Allen" he says hugging her back. "I guess you will be over for movie night?" She questions. "Actually no not this time" he smiles. "Well welcome to the club me either" she chuckles. "Wait where are you going?" I ask. "John and I made plans" she smiles. "Well Im gonna go and leave yall to get ready for your nights" he smiles throwing his hand over my shoulder. He gently kisses my forehead and leave. "Bye hun" he whispers in my ear. "I like him" my mom says before leaving the living room. You wouldn't if you knew. I think causing a smile to surface. "What time are you leaving?!" I yell out opening a can of mountain dew. "Right now" she says entering behind me. "Wow mom you look beautiful" I say. "Thanks baby, I'll text you to check up. There's 20 on the counter and be good" she says hugging me and leaving. 20 minutes later the girls arrive and we are getting everything set up.

I go to my closets and grab all our bean bags and snuggies. Each has our initials on them. Brittney had gotten hers 2 weeks after the accident. She squealed when she opened the gift. I set up the bean bags in a row and put the snacks in front. "So what are we watching?" I question plopping down. "Um whose turn?" Nina counters. "I think Sophia's" Brittney adds from the kitchen. "Here we go ladies!" Sophia screeches putting a disk in the DVD player. "Peter pan" she said laughing. "Awesome" me and Brittney say at The same time causing laughter to explode and fill the room.

As I sip on mountain dew and crunch chips we all get losted in the movie.

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