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I just want to say I'm continuing the story as of now so let's start with a wublin and I'm sorry for taking so long I hope you'll still read

I'm bizzee and let me just say I'm special on this island I have a couple of friends we go to a specific school singing school like everybody else but what makes me and my friends so special is I'm a wublin were ancient okay so once in my singing monsters me and my friends were the first monster's ever and we generate star power and other exciting things brump was are leader and my best friend he got to sing the main part but one day the monster world fell apart it was only us so poewk the oldest of us built a machine that put us all to sleep and sadly when we woke up are big island got broken in pieces and hundreds of other monsters lived among us unfortunately it toke them a while for them to find our tiny island when they did even though were not that old they respected us like elders and they ask us for questions how to fix this and that .

Poewk is a glory hog she took up all the spot light and told all the other monsters to respect us brump was very shy for a good singer he had nothing to say me I was clueless it had been years I wake up to find not only that our world has changed but also the people in it . I guess it was to much to handle but I had a very serious idea maybe I should travel visit air island there's even this tribal island were you can join a tribe and live freelance a kid named tweedle who said I was her idol said she knew about me since the dawn of fire which I thought was pretty nice I still think we should have never been woke up the world has changed so much

I will be doing short chapters but I will have like over a hundred parts they'll be short but from now on updates will be fast

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