rare arackulele

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It was a pretty uncommon thing rares were like cousins

It was so exciting to be a knew ethereal monster the people are pretty down to earth I was just getting here and I found my cousin immediately he was lazily strumming his instrument we were pretty close well before my parents moved  but we're back he always was a natural but I had to fight for what I wanted always studying taking extra classes he once told me to just play like I meant it .

But know I was really happy always loved the islands but my natural talent would be cooking since nobody in my family could I taught myself  " hey cuz " I say he looked over " what your back  that's great " he said then we gave each other a four hand high five perks am I right then bellowfish comes up " yeah great your annoying cousin is back " he said I rolled my eyes " bellowfish nice to see ya " I said with sarcasm he shook his head

" look we should invite her " bellowfish says  my cousin frowned  " no way dude " he said  " oh we were going to go to wublin island how cool is that " he said I can't believe bellowfish invited me of all people  " absolutely not we can't ok " he said I knew what this was about that stupid time he got mocked on air island some monsters really hate ethereals but I can't believe he wouldn't let me go I'm not a child

Plus I just moved here I wanted to check out the wublins ask them about ancient knowledge or about the dawn of fire " I'm going "I say my cousin frowned deeper I poked him " cheer up cousin " I say bellowfish laughed

I could tell I was already having a great start

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