My apology and Proposition

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Hi, I'm sorry for the wait. I feel like I should make an apology to all of those who genuinely enjoyed reading this story and supported me through it. It really means a lot to me. And I feel like many of you have waited so long for an update, and an update that I've been trying to give to you for the longest time, trust me. I feel as if you deserve an apology and an explanation for why I haven't been on watt pad or even paid much attention to Breathless. And here it is.

So I started writing Breathless on my birthday in 2013, in which I had turned 15. Currently in 3 months I will be 18. I have the same ideas and thoughts when I was 15 like I do now when I am 18. I was much more of a hopeless romantic then than I am now. I had great ideas for breathless. I had created all the important parts of the story and I had all the chapter plots set up. I had a great climax and conclusion. I even had my epilogue done! Unfortunately I had written it all in a laptop that got a major virus from my little brother and my only choice was to restart my whole computer. In the process of doing that I lost everything. All the chapters to breathless, and a lot of my other book ideas. I was heart broken. No only did I loose that, I lost a lot of music that I had purchased and a bunch of pictures from middle school and my childhood, pictures that I won't ever see again. After that I couldn't exactly remember what I wanted to do with breathless anymore. The older I got the more I wanted to change the story, and I couldn't do that because it wouldn't match. So I just gave up for a while.

But I really do feel like this story could have some potential and I really want to try really hard to make it a successful novel. But I can't exactly do that by myself.

So I have a proposition, if you're currently reading Breathless and have an idea on what you want the novel to be and how you want it to go I'm asking you to please message me and we can work together on the novel! All you have to do is message me your ideas and if I like them we can keep in touch, I would give you my email and you and i can work on finishing the novel and we could make breathless a great story! I would give you credit for your ideas and if you have your own story that you want to share in watt pad I will put a link to it and make sure that people see it and love it!!

Please help in in accomplishing my goal to finish this novel before I start my own life, and my own journey as an adult, just like Miss Katherine Reed! It would mean the world to me!

All the love, Dani

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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