Chapter Seven

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Okay guys so I don't know what's been going on lately, my laptop's been acting up and some documents deleted, including all of my Breathless Chapter plots and now I have to write everything all over again.

Also, you should re-read the ending of last chapter because for some reason the actual ending deleted and also all the editing i did before i published it. I didn't notice until like last week when someone pointed it out. You will be very confused of you start reading this chapter without completly finishing Chapter Six.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated lately. I lost everything that I had written for this book and now I have to continue writing it by memory.

Don't hate me! >.<


"So where are we going exactly?" I ask as he presses the button to the underground paraking garage.

"One of my favorite places in all of Illinois." He smiles.

"Your not going to tell me?"


Before I get to protest the elavator rings and the door opens. Grayson steps out and I follow him to his Audi R8 Spyder. He opens the passenger door and I enter muttering a quick, "Thank You." as he closes the door.

He later enters the car and starts it. "Can you at least tell me what we are going to eat?"

"Pizza." He smiles over and his expression makes him look like a happy 9 year old who is excited about having pizza.

But I guess hes not the only one who looks like that with the giant grin on my face. I guess now I'm having pizza for lunch and dinner and I've never been more excited.

"How far away is it?" I say after a not-so-uncomfortable 15 minutes of silence I realize that we are starting to head out of the city. I thought we were going to go to a nearby restaurant or Pizzeria.

"We'll be there in five to ten minutes, its on the outskirts of the city." I nod and rest my head on the window looking out. Thinking Out Loud by Ed sheeran is silently playing in the backround.

"You have a great voice." Grasyon breaks the silence after a few minutes. I hadnt even realized I was singing.

"Oh, um, you dont have to lie Grayson." I chuckle because I know I dont have the greatest voice.

"No, I'm serious." He says in a strict tone and there is not sign of humor on his face.

I realize that we are parked in front of a small Restaurant place called Henry's Pizzeria. It's nice and causal. I hate to say this but I was kind of expecting something else from Grayson. There has to be a reason why he brought me to such a casual place that is 20 minutes away from the office. If he wanted to eat pizza then we could've gone anywhere.

We enter and a tall, older looking man runs to us. "Grayson my boy!" He comes towards Graysin and hugs him as if they haven't seen eachother in years. "Oh its great to see you! What made you visit?" He asks and then sees me. "And who's this lovely lady?"

"Henry, this is my friend and Personal Assistant, Katherine. Kat this is my Uncle Henry, he owns the place." I shake hands with Henry. I can see the similar features now, the black hair, blue eyes.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." I say politely.

"You too, here I'll show you to our table."

Henry ushers us to a booth and we thank him. I sit down across from Grayson and Henry sits next to him. "How's Melinda and the kids?" Grayson asks his uncle.

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