[1] Time Of Death

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Storm Sommers Point of View:

I stepped off the plan and stretched feeling my muscles tight from the eight hour flight. I could feel my stomach contort, and my heart begin to thump with excitement to seeing my parents and my younger sister again. It had been ages since I had seen their warm smiling faces.

I fidgeted with my sleeves as I anxiously walked to baggage claim. The carousel of luggage spun next to me, as I searched for a familiar face.

A smile placed on my lips as I saw my parents with their hands intertwined and a balloon saying "welcome back" in rainbow bubble letters was tied to my father’s wrist. I walked trying to control any emotion bubbling inside of me. My mother’s green eyes met mine and a wide grin appeared on her rosy red face. My father’s brown eyes widened as he saw me. 

My parents walked towards me and I met them halfway between Starbucks and the rental car Kiosk. 

My parents embraced me tightly as I heard the muffled sniffle of my mom trying to silence her tears. I could feel the tears begin to form toward the reaction my parents gave; I bit down on my lip to hold them back.

I wiggled out of their grasp and used my eyes to search for my younger sister.

"Alexa isn’t here, sorry. She said she couldn’t get a break from college." My mother said before I could ask.

I sighed as my dad handed me the reflective balloon, I accepted it with a smile.

"You haven’t tried to contact us for a couple months." My mother began.

"Only when you called to tell us you were finally returning." My father interrupted, raising his eyebrow at me. I nibbled my lip postponing the truth.

A year ago I was serving Special Forces. A medic in training, learning and practicing many ways to heal, stitch, and operate on injuries. I was good too, learning the basics of emergency combat medicine quickly and with ease.

The last months I served, I witnessed something grotesquely phenomenal:

Beruk Wilbert, my commanding officer wanted me to see a professional at work

He walked me to the examining room with a two way mirror. We sat in an available chair, and glanced in front of us to see the operating room. I could feel my stomach grow uneasy, anxious about what I was going to see.

A bright light shined on the body of a pale soldier, already under anesthetic. The beeping of the heart monitor sped as seven nurses dressed in blue scrubs and white gloves stood by waiting on the doctor, taking her sweet time adjusting her mask. The nurses stood impatiently, glancing at each other. The soldier was bleeding through wounds around his neck, the crimson liquid quickly spilling from his body.

"That right there is Dr. Brandie Stewart. She’s an expert in scientific research, and a brilliant cutting edge surgeon." Beruk pointed at the doctor wearing the thick goggles with a light affixed to the brim.

A nurse entered and quickly handed Beruk a clipboard with medical information of the patient, and the experimental surgery about to be performed. I frowned as I reread 'experimental'. "Experimental subject number three. Billy Gomez, male, twenty-two, 5'7. Testing the XY-7 substance." Mr. Wilbert informed me.

"What is the XY-7 substance, sir?" I was compelled to ask, driven by my curiosity.

"It’s experimental. It’s supposedly designed to reanimate dead muscle, it will be injected into the blood stream, and the substance somehow electrically charges dead tissue. It has something to do with ionic bonds and solubility. It’s all very complicated."

I glanced back at the operating table, wondering the fate of this stranger. "What are they doing now?" I questioned mindlessly, feeling my senses go numb.

"Billy was a soldier in training, and wasn't taking his training seriously; he didn’t even want to be here anymore. The kid shot himself; more than once."

The operation had already begun, but the doctor wasn’t taking any part in it. She observed over the nurses shoulders. I could see the scalpel shaky in the hands if this caffeinated nurse.

"What is she doing?! He will die, leaving the life of this man in the hands of these people!"

The patient’s heart rate began to rise, as the scalpel had already cut the skin, they cut deeper into the tissue and the patient began to flat line. The nurses scattered for the oxygen tanks, trying to level the heart rate.

"He’s losing blood fast!" A nurse yelled.

"Well duh captain obvious. You must have cut into the artery." Brandie stated her voice monotone.

As the patient bled to death on the operating table the poorly trained nurses were losing hope. As fast as it began it ended. The young soldiers’ heart rate stopped to a halt, the loud electronic constant beep echoed through the room.

"Time of death 5:17, November 22." Dr. Brandie spoke. "We tried our best. Now it’s time for science." I could hear the smile in her words.

She picked up a large syringe from a materials table. A neon yellow liquid was slowly injected into the forearm of the dead patient.


HEYY so the action will be in the next part when...... billy wakes up!!!

pleaseeee vote,comment,fan if you like it. Please show me your support!! The more the votes, and comments the sooner I will upload!!!

thanks for the read!!


>>> xoxox <<<


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