[2] Helpless

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 Storm Sommers Point Of View:

Brandie picked up a syringe from a materials table. Neon liquid was injected into the forearm of the dead patient.

"Is that even legal?" I almost screamed. Beruk ignored me and continued to observe.

"Everyone go into the observatory." Brandie commanded. The nurses, including the doctor entered the room Beruk and I was in.

Beruk pulled me back so the nurse scientists could take the first row to see their creation; we sat two rows behind them.

We all sat in silence, trying to catch any physical changes in the blood soaked lifeless patient yards away, separated only by a layer of glass.

I felt anger towards the maniacal genius scientist; I felt an urge to harm her for letting inexperienced nurses attempt to operate on this now corpse.

After thirty minutes of waiting for the substance to take effect, I was bored with impatience.

I sighed and searched for a clock, hoping time would continue a little faster.

Gasps echoed through the scientist. I looked up to see the same image I have been staring at for the last thirty minutes.

"What happened?" I questioned Beruk.

"His finger moved." He simply replied.

"That could just mean the nerves are still...” Beruk shot me a glare and shushed me.

"Zach, go in there." Brandie instructed towards a blonde haired, brown eyed man. I saw him gulp as he slipped on a thin apron like suit.

He cautiously entered the operating room.

A few minutes later the victims’ hands shook, it spread to the feet and soon the whole corpse began to tremble. Poor Zach stood glued to the wall trying to keep the greatest amount of distance between him and the shaking carcass. Every one’s eyes stayed connected with the phenomenon occurring in front of them.

The trembling ceased, and everyone was on the edge of their seats as the eyes of the corpse opened.

"Billy Gomez?" Zach questioned his voice broke with fear.

Billy's corpse sat up. Billy did not seem to realize that his blood was soaking everything, and that his chest has fresh wounds.

Zach took cautious steps towards Billy. "How are you feeling Billy?" Zach's voice was painted with fear; he put his hand on Billy's shoulder. Billy moaned as a response. "Subject number three seems to have no nerve feelings and has lost valuable brain functions. Subject three now has silver coated eyes, black iris veins near the pupil. Skin is ice cold, a faint trace of a heart beat."

Zach examined the reanimated corpse, without gloves.

"Idiot." Brandie cursed.

Zach wrote down everything he observed. Billy's hand reached out for Zach, Zach's eyebrows came together and tiled his head in confusion. Billy reached again snapping his jaws toward him.

Brandie raced out of the observatory and to the operating room; she stopped at the door and did something. She hurried back putting a key in her pocket.

I narrowed my eyes towards her, and then quickly glanced back. Billy grabbed Zach's hand and chomped his jaw into in. Zach screamed and tore his hand away from Billy's mouth, a chunk of skin was left in Billy's mouth as blood drooled down his chin, and Billy chewed and jumped down from the table groping towards Zach.

Zach ran to the door and turned the knob to find out it was locked by Dr. Stewart. His good hand slammed at the one way mirror. "I know you're there!" He shrieked with anger. "Let me out of here!"

Dr. Stewart reached over a table in front of her; she pressed a black button and spoke into a microphone her voice boomed from the speakers in the operating room. "No Zach, you are now infected." She calmly spoke. "You know exactly how the XY-7 virus spreads." She lifted her finger off the microphone button and leaned to a girl on her right, "keep him overnight, and do not let either of them out." Her voice deepened as it painted a serious hue.

Billy slowly paced to Zach, as Zach was still angrily yelling and pounding at the mirror, begging for his freedom from the hell they trapped him in. Billy moaned and Zach turned around and backed away from the living dead. Billy jumped onto Zach knocking down the surgical equipment. Billy roared in Zach's face and struck at his neck and snapped his bloody mouth into Zach's shoulder. Zach screamed feeling the blunt teeth of a reanimated corpse cut into his skin, sending his nerves spiraling with pain as blood seeped through the new wound.

Zach kicked the XY-7 test subject back word, but Billy lunged at Zach again, I saw the hunger burn in Billy's eyes, an unsatisfied hunger, meant he wanted another taste of the warm living flesh in his dead system.

"Help, please help me!" Zach pleaded running to the mirror and dragging his bloody hand against the spotless window.

Zach applied pressure onto his open gash on the edge of his shoulder. Adrenaline began to coarse through his veins as he was now forced into a survival situation. I could hear my own heart thump in my ears. Zach dodged Billy, running to the surgery tools scattered on the ground, and gripped onto the scalpel. His pupils grew wide with fear as sweat ran down his face as he met Billy's silver eyes.

Zach ran to Billy, the scalpel in his un-bitten hand, screaming, "die!" He plunged the knife into the heart. Billy barely flinched at Zach's attack. Billy screeched an inhuman yell, piercing my ears with its pitch, and ran at Zach at full speed, slamming him into the wall.

I was about to jump out of my seat and help Zach, feeling I could not handle witnessing anymore. I felt stupid for being paralyzed with fear to even say a word to help him.

Brandie noticed the look of worry plastered on my face. "You two need to leave, now." There was an undercurrent of threat bubbling in her words.

Beruk didn't hesitate and pushed me out of the room, dragging me out by the arm.

As the door closed behind us I heard Zach scream a traumatizing shrill, forever scarring my ears with the pain of his yell. I walked behind Beruk, feeling absolutely helpless as my conscience screamed at me.

Guilty, the voice yelled.


HEEEYY so I hope you liked it, please vote, comment, fan if you did!!!!

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thank you for reading!


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