Chapter 3

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Gohan had just returned from his morning training. He had returned a lot later then he usually would, but shrugged it off. He could smell breakfast. He had to admit, he was starving. Smiling a small smile, Gohan hurriedly gathered clean clothes and rushed to the bathroom, taking a quick shower, he was about to step out when he sensed something. He couldn't recognize what or who it was, but it was strong. Gohan felt as though he went into a trance like state, not really caring about the powerful energy he could just barely sense now, as his eye caught site of something else. His mother's razor sat there, inviting him to use it, taunting him. With shaking hands, he clumsily picked the razor up and without much thought, randomly started slicing his entire arm. Blood flowed down the drain, mixed with water. Gohan rinsed his mother's razor and placed it back where he found it and watched his blood flow, mesmerized.

Once the bleeding stopped, Gohan stepped out of the shower, quickly drying and hurriedly dressing, his mother had just called out that breakfast was ready. Once downstairs, Gohan awkwardly greeted his mother and brother. The tense silence quickly ruined Gohan's appetite. He could see how tense his mother and brother were, as though they were sure that he'd kill them if they ate the wrong way. Gohan sighed loudly, inwardly cringing when his family flinched. Gohan bowed his head, ready to excuse himself when he sensed a familiar Ki signature just outside along with two unfamiliar ones.

Gohan felt anger rush into his veins as he slammed his chopsticks onto the table, growling when he was more sure that he knew who it was. His brother whimpered, shrinking back into his chair, thinking he had done something wrong as Gohan was glaring at end if the table where the little boy sat.
"Gohan-" Chi-Chi began, but cut herself off once Gohan stood and rushed to the door. She was about to plead with him to leave her little boy alone. Gohan slammed the front door open, first squinting as the sunlight hurt his eyes, but then glared at the three figures standing in front of him. He recognized one of these figures. Gohan couldn't believe it. Why was he of all people here? And why now?

The three fighter reappeared in front of a little Capsule house in the middle of a forest. Goku smiled, taking in the smell of the trees, grass and flowers that surrounded his old home. Man, it felt great being back. What the three fighters wasn't expecting, was for the front door to slam open and an angry teen to be standing in the doorway. The room behind him loomed darkly, adding to the effect and feel the boy was giving off. The three warriors could practically feel the emotion rolling off of the boy in waves. A number of emotions flashed in his dull eyes before settling on two. Anger and hatred. Pure hatred. The boy now gave off an almost creepy vibe with the dark room behind him, angry look on his face, vicious glare and look of pure hatred that shown in his eyes. Goku was slightly taken aback by this, but nevertheless, greeted his son with a wide smile, about to verbally greet him as well.
"What are you doing here?" The boy asked, his voice cold.
"It's good to see you, too, son" Goku replied sarcastically.

Gohan growled in anger and frustration, sensing his mother and brother nearing the door, he sighed and stepped out of the way, allowing the two to exit the house.
"Goku?" Chi-Chi asked, shock clearly written on her face. She had been the first to exit the house
"It's good to see you again, Chi-Chi," Goku spoke softly.
"Daddy!!" Goten yelled, running and tackling his father in a hug. Goku let himself be tackled and fall to the ground for the little boy's amusement.
"Hey there, little guy!" Goku laughed, happily tickling his youngest son. Chi-Chi soon joined her husband and son on the ground, tickling both of her boys. Gohan leaned against a wall, his heart clenching at the beautiful moment. Why can't he ever be a part of such a happy and memorable moment? That's all he really ever wanted.

Pikkon smiled a small smile at the family playing on the ground. Goku had, of course, told him all about his two children and wife Chi-Chi. Goku even told him that Goten looked a lot like the full blooded saiyan, however, Pikkon hadn't expected Goten to look so much like his father. But what shocked him the most, was Gohan's behavior. Sure, Goku told him that he and his oldest son were having a little issue, but he hadn't expected the boy to be so negative towards his father. According to Goku, Gohan was the kindest, sweetest most gently person he ever knew.
"So, you must be Gohan. I've heard quite a lot about you," Pikkon spoke, attempting to make eye contact with the teen.
"Wish I could say the same to you," Gohan replied, briefly glaring at his family. Goten and Chi-Chi had stopped laughing and playing with Goku the moment Pikkon had spoke the boy's name.

Gohan turned his attention back to Pikkon, his gaze traveling over the fighters body before he finally made eye contact. Pikkon nearly froze at the amount of anger that resided in those dull eyes. Gohan broke that eye contact, his gaze this time running over Olibu.
"Guys, this is my family, Chi-Chi, Goten and Gohan," Goku said, briefly pointing to everyone before he stood, helping Chi-Chi to her feet.
"And this is Pikkon and Olibu, they're my friends from Otherworld," Goku said, excitement clearly heard in his voice. Gohan briefly nodded to both fighters before turning and walking to the house.

"Gohan!! Don't be rude!!" Chi-Chi yelled. She flinched and nearly cowered behind Goku when Gohan stopped and looked at her from over his shoulder. Goten whimpered, hiding behind his father's legs. Goku frowned at this. Why was Chi-Chi and Goten suddenly so afraid of Gohan? Did Gohan do something to hurt them? Gohan glared at his mother from over his shoulder. Oh, so now that his father was back, she was suddenly brave enough to actually get a good look at him, never mind scold him. Gohan scoffed, did she really think that Goku would be enough to stop him if he ever decided to hurt her? No, he'd probably kill Goku right before her very eyes, to show her, to prove to her that not even the mighty Goku was enough to stop him. Then he'd probably kill Goten, he'd laugh hysterically as he ripped the little boy's entrails out and force-
Gohan shook his head, ridding himself of his violent thoughts. Sighing, Gohan pinched the bridge of his nose before he continued on into the house, not paying any attention to anything other than the thought of just going to his room. He needed relief and he needed it now.

Olibu felt a shiver run up his spine. There was a certain blood thirsty air around Gohan, but that can't be right. Olibu can't believe that this was Goku's son.
"Chi-Chi? What was that about?" Goku asked, though the question was promptly ignored.
"Are you hungry? I just made breakfast, come on in!" Chi-Chi exclaimed, hesitantly glancing into the house before entering it more confidently. Once he noticed that his mother went inside, Goten stepped out from behind his father's legs and smiled up at Pikkon and Olibu.
"Goten? What just happened, son?" Goku asked, kneeling down so that he could be more Goten's height.
"Well, you see, dad, uhm, we- I-I'm scared of him, dad!" Goten yelled, his eyes quickly welling up with tears as a fearful looked flashed over his face. Goku was shocked.

"Scared?! Why?! You know just as well as I do that your brother won't hurt you!" Goku yelled, slightly angered by the thought.
"B-but he hurt mom! He almost killed us, daddy!!" Goten yelled. Oh, so this was because of what happened when Buu attacked?
"It's in the past, Goten. Don't you remember? Gohan saved us from Majin Buu! He even saved you and Trunks from that monster in the arena!" Goku exclaimed, trying to change the boy's mind.
"But who's going to save him from the monster he's becoming?" Goten asked, his expression serious. It was silent. Goku was confused. What was Goten talking about? Goku stared at his youngest son's face. Worry was shining brightly in the little boy's eyes, though his expression was still very serious.
"I don't know, son. I don't know,"

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