Chapter 18

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Gohan stood straight, an angry look on his face that always seemed to come with the change of turning into a super saiyan 2. He had to do this, for his friends and family, to protect them! Gohan rushed at Broly suddenly, landing a powerful punch to the legend's face, actually knocking him back. Broly's smirk slipped off his face at the boy's power, something he wasn't expecting. The two fought, mostly dodging each other's attacks. The others were so held up in watching the fight, that they temporarily forgot about their own. Gohan was starting to grow tired of this, he needed to end this, and quick. Back flipping away a few feet, Gohan cupped his hands, gathering a large amount of his energy as Broly started to do the same.
"Kamehame-HA!!" Gohan yelled, thrusting his hands forward as well as the blast, hitting Broly's own attack, the two started pushing against each other.
"Gohan!!" Goten yelled, running to his brother's aid, throwing his own kamehameha at Broly, trying to help his brother succeed. He and Trunks had separated during the time Gohan had used to raise his power level.

This kind of reminded Gohan of when he fought against Buu, his brother and father coming to help him. Gohan tried to search for more power as he felt Broly's attack starting to overtake their own. Panicking, Gohan moved and kicked his brother out of the way just as Broly's attack won. Gohan wasn't fast enough to dodge and was hit full force, sending him flying back with the attacked before it took a sudden turn towards the sky, where Gohan just barely managed to throw himself off of the attack. Panting, Gohan fazed out, reappearing behind a startled Broly, who turned to him to slowly.
"Masenko-HA!" Gohan yelled, the blast hitting Broly in the face, doing quite a bit of damage to the man. Angry, Broly punched Gohan, forcing a lot of his Ki into his fist, he impaled the boy, much like Gohan had done to his father, the difference being, Broly's fist came out the other end.

Blood flew from Gohan mouth as he coughed, pained noises coming up his throat. Broly smirked and pulled his fist back, moving to punch the kid away, but Gohan jumped over the fist grabbing onto Broly's arm, planting his feet on the man's chest. Gohan used one of his feet to repeatedly kick the man in the face before he let go, sending one last powerful kick to the side of the saiyan's face, knocking him back. Gohan flew back from Broly, gaining some distance as he landed on his knees, clutching onto his stomach wound.
"Special Beam Cannon!!" A swirling Ki blast hit Broly in his chest, breaking skin and shooting a hole in the legendary man's chest. Breathing deeply, Gohan ignored the pain as best he could and formed a powerful Ki blast, throwing it at Broly along with Pikkon and Olibu, they watched as the man exploded, turning into nothing but dust. Cell, Freeza and Cooler stood watching in shock, not having expected this outcome. Gohan kneeled down, clutching at his wound as he panted, trying to force the pain away as he stood up, facing a visibly shocked Cooler. Gohan prepared himself, shocking everyone when he forced another kamehameha, he caught Cooler off guard, managing to kill the alien with little to no struggle.

"Gohan!" Goku called as he and Vegeta ran towards the scene, just in time to watch Gohan collapse onto his hands and knees, panting and moaning in pain, his energy nearly completely gone. Freeza smirked, slamming his tail to the ground, laughing his overly forced laugh, mocking the teen.
"It's alright now, I can take it from here, Gohan," Goku said once he reached the battle ground, preparing himself to fight. The one's left weren't that powerful and could be defeated easily enough, except Cell. Freeza's smirk widened, finally, revenge. Gohan pushed his father away, shocking everyone as he shakily got to his feet, forming yet another Ki blast and throwing it to Freeza. The alien frowned, easily slapping the attack away, it crashing and exploding the home behind him.

"This is utterly pathetic, even for you, filthy monkey!! You think a weak attack like that could stop me!?" Freeza laughed, quickly forming two disc like Ki blasts and threw them towards the two facing him. Gohan and Goku took to the air, seeing that the attacks were guided and that they were after the teen. Gohan knew he couldn't out run them, he wasn't fast enough for this. Distracted, he didn't notice them coming right for him. He was barely able to dodge, one cutting into his chest, much like Krillin's when he attacked the teen on the lookout the previous year. The other cut him on his back, from his right shoulder to his left hip. Gohan cursed himself as he was hit once again. This was the third time in mere minutes!! And it was painful, too. Crying out, Gohan watched in relief when Goku managed to blow them up before he decided it was time for him to land or risk passing out in the sky.

Gohan landed on the ground on his knees, knowing that his legs couldn't support him, clutching at his chest wound. Gohan watched as his friends and family worked together, quickly defeating their remaining enemy. Smiling a small smile, Gohan pulled his arm away from his chest, the other being used to support him. He stared at his blood on his arm, he was bleeding heavily, a small puddle forming beneath him as he stared, mesmerized. Gohan felt his super saiyan form leave him, making him realize just how weak he was feeling as he collapsed forward, falling onto his stomach. Goku charged a kamehameha, wanting to defeat Freeza and Cell quickly, he could feel Gohan's Ki flickering. Throwing the blast at the alien, Goku was satisfied when it hit it's target, causing Freeza to be shredded to nothing. He turned and ran towards his son, relying on his comrades to defeat Cell, trusting Pikkon, Olibu and Vegeta were strong enough to defeat the android. They were able to defeat the android quickly when he reached his fallen son. The android was so shocked, that he was completely caught off guard when he was attacked from all directions. They wasted no time to use their strongest attacks together to kill the android, destroying every single Cell so that he couldn't reform.

"Gohan!" Goku yelled, turning the boy over and cradling him, disturbed by the amount of blood surrounding and covering his son.
"C'mon, Gohan, stay awake! Dende!!" He yelled at the smaller Namekian who ran towards them, falling to his knees and instantly starting to heal his friend. The other's soon gathered, Chi-Chi falling to her knees by Gohan's head, trying to talk to the boy.
"Goku, I don't know if I can heal him. There are limits to which even I can heal," Dende spoke, eyes saddening.
"Try harder, Dende, please!!" Goku begged, his eyes pleading the Namekian to not give up. It was a tense silence as Dende focused, using nearly all of his own energy to heal his friend. A collective sigh of relief came from everyone as Gohan's eyes fluttered open, staring in confusion at first, before realization hit him. He didn't die. Damn it, he can't even die right, what is wrong with him?! Gohan sat up slowly, staring at his lap in complete sadness as everyone cheered. This isn't what he wanted.

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