Chapter 2

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Nina POV

We went to the conveyor belt. They are at least 5 lines where you can wait. I took off my belt and my converses. My feet touched the cold white tiles. I hated the part of taking the shoes because you have to put them on again and there's nowhere to sit.

"Take everything out of your pockets!" The dude shouted to everyone. I put my phone and loose change on the tray they gave me to put my things. Now I had to go through what seems like a x Ray thingy. I placed me feet on the yellow feet on the ground where I was suppose to step on. And in that machine it spinned around me couple of times and then a lady security guard patted me down literally check every part of my body.

It was my mother's turn now. While she was in there, I put my converses. Got my phone and earbuds. Put my backpack on and got my carry on. We left to find our gate where we were suppose to wait.

    While we walking to find our gate, there was stores and the stores were like really high brand companies and the prices were too. The high prices were hurting my eyes.

  We found our gate and found good seats because later they'll be taken. Our plane arrives in an hour so I took a nap.

   "Really! You guys are Greek? Going to Greece? Where in Greece?" I heard a lady talking to my mother waking me up from my wonderful nap. I woke up seeing people actually sharing seats and on the floor because it was so packed.

  "Yes, Yes we are and in Santorini, most of my family lives there. Where you and your son going?" My mother asked now I'm definitely not going back to sleep because of them. I see the son probably like 10 or 11. I smiled friendly at him.

  "We are going to Austria" The lady said smiling.

  "Oh honey, you woke up meet these nice people, that's Alda and her son Tobias." My mother finally saw me.

  "How are you? I'm Nina" I introduced myself. "Mama I'm gonna get something to eat. You want anything? Tobias, Alda want something?" I offered

   Both mama and Alda shook their heads. But Tobias just wanted to come with me. We both got up, I left my backpack on my seat so no one to take my seat.

   Tobias was short but I mean he's 10 aren't every boy that age is. Had dirty blond hair with dark blue eyes like his mother. They look alike. Both with light tan color.

  I stopped to a small shop. And got vanilla yogurt. "You sure you don't want anything?" I asked

  "No I'm good" All he said.

   "You know how to speak Austrian?" I asked breaking the silence.

   "Yes, do you know Greek?" He asked. "Yes, I know to have a conversation like the basics but I do understand when people talk." I responded

   We decided to look at the expensive stores making weird faces when we saw the prices. My face beats his face making. We went back to our waiting gate.

  They announced our plane arrived. So now we wait until they start calling people.

We started to aboard the plane. Found our seats and found out Alda and Tobias seat right in front of us. I was by the window. I love the window seat and Tobias was too. I could see New York's amazing towers and buildings. I'm gonna miss New York.

It took awhile so everyone to be settled get the carry ons where they suppose to go. My storage is gonna get full of pictures from the flight. I just took 50 pictures just now imagine 10 hours.

   An announcement came on telling us the safety rules and about everything that goes on with plane.


    I didn't even relies that I fell asleep and found out it's dark outside. I woke up by someone kicking my seat annoying and aggravating me. I kept going back and forth with my head. I let it go on for a couple minutes but then it got to my nerves.

   I unbuckle my seatbelt turned around and yelled "Can you not you are annoying my soul!"

  It was boy about Tobias age. He was just laughing. All I did was give him the evil eye.

  "I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I was joking around stop it." The little boy said laughing with his cheeky smile. I have to admit he was a cute little boy.

   "I guess I'll let you slide this time." I said giving him the cheeky smile. I turned around and checked on Tobias. We actually became friends.

   "What's up Tob....." I stopped talking noticing he fell asleep on his mother.

    Mostly everyone was asleep peacefully then my mother here like snoring a storm. I took my earbuds and put music so I didn't have to hear her.

    I tried to get comfortable on my seat. I wanted to take off my shoes so badly. I knew they were swollen but if I take them out then I can't put them back on. So I tried to sleep off the pain.


    "Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seatbelt we are about to land" The announcement woke both my mom and I. But we have to take another plane to go to Greece and that means saying goodbye to Alda and Tobias.

   My mother took my hand and smiled at me and I smiled back. I stared at the window and we are landing to another airport. It's so weird how high we were. Seeing the white clouds so close like you can reach them. We finally landed and everyone rushed to get up and get their belongings. My mother and I were stuck. We left everyone go in front of us but Alda and Tobias waited for us so that was sweet of them.

   "Come on honey, get your luggage." Mama said and I did. The flight attendants welcomed us off.

We said our goodbyes to Alda and Tobias. Tobias and I gave each other a tight hug. Alda took Tobias by the hand and started to look for their gate. And we left our separate ways to our own gates to wait. My mother put her arm around my shoulder and we smiled to our gate.

"We are going home, Nina" mama said.

Should I continue? Please tell me

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