30) Night

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Resting my head onto Xavier's shoulder I felt at ease. After leaving Pismo beach we were now headed towards Santa Cruz before our real destination. Of course since we are all tired my mom suggested we stop and find a motel there to rest, relax, and walk around for a bit before we head back onto the road. We still have no idea where we are headed but as long as we don't have to go to school for a little I'm fine with it (but still, we're all on independent studies).

"What's with you?"

Zeno asked Yakov as we all flooded out of the van.

"What do expect I'm fucking tired."

After receiving our key cards we all went into the room we were assigned to by Tetya Mace. Xavier and I would be sharing a room with Jose and Tetya Diana. My mom and Tetya mace with Dyadya (uncle) Arthur and Josh, and finally Nico and Xavier with Yeager and Anthony.

"No sex."

Tetya Diana and I said in unison laughing as we all laid in our beds. Xavier pulled me into his chest quickly falling asleep, as did Jose with Diana.



We conversed in hush tone.

"Do you know where we're going?"

"No clue, but as long as I can sleep when we get there I'll be fine."

She replied before falling into a quite slumber as I was left awake in a warm room.


Walking out of the dim room I leaned upon the railing of the second story motel. The banana shaped moon hung high in the night sky as gray clouds drifted over. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a box of cigarettes with a camel covering the front, lighting the roll that hung between my lips so carelessly I blew out the toxic smoke. It's been a long day for the 7 of us; leaving our home and moving north to find shelter, without leaving a scent or allowing 3 of us to know. All of this causes for a cigarette to be lit.

Holding the smoke between my middle and index finger I let it linger a little before releasing the smoke from my lungs. It causes me no damage because of our healing but I love the feeling it gives me while its not. The burning and dry sensation. Blowing out one more puff I heard a door open and I let the bud fall to the floor, stomping it out.

"I never knew you smoked Tetya."

Yeager said as we looked up to the night sky. The wind blew a cold breeze from the water that was near the motel.

"There's lots you guys don't know. But don't tell your mom, he thinks I stopped."

Letting a chuckle out Yeager smiled and just waited a little before asking a question.

"Did my dad have anger problems?"

Bring me back into a conversation I looked as best as I could into his eyes and collapsed my hand onto his strong shoulder. 

"I never really knew your dad so I can't say."

I replied honestly making him nod. I only had small talk with the man, never really getting to know him like Sergei.

"Why are you asking?"

I asked pulling another roll of tobacco and placed it between my lips, lighting the tip.

"Because I want to know if I get it from him."

"You know"

I said blowing a small cloud out of my mouth.

"- just because you have it doesn't mean someone in your family has to have it as well. You could just be you."

"I doubt it."

He scoffed.

"My mom gets this look whenever I'm angry, like he's seen it before."

"Well you could remind him of me whenever I'm angry."

I said letting the words process in his mind.

"No, your anger is different, it's, it's more controllable to him than mine is."

Looking out and over the railing we stood silently listening to the sound of waves crashing onto the sand; the birds flying away and the wind blowing threw the trees.

"Well I'm going to bed Tetya, I'll see you in the morning, goodnight."


Once safe and sound inside his room the mood got melancholy. Drifting away from the rail I made my way down the stairs and laid down on those chairs by the pool.


My wolf called.

~Not now Chris.~

~But I'm~

~I said not now.~

I interrupted letting my built up anger seep out.

~Listen to me!~

He growled leaving me silent and baffled.

~You know we can't do this for much longer Mace. Do you want to die?~

Engulfed by rage I didn't answer.

~I hate arguing with you but if you don't fucking answer me I swear I will open our link.~

~If you open that link I will end us both. So enough!~

Being left unanswered I closed my eyes and continued to breath in my addicting, toxic air.

~You are playing a dangerous game Mace. And for how much longer do you intend to do this? The Moon Goddess is furious and you're making her angry! You don't have to give in to the bond, just talk to him and get everything we were mad about over with. ~

Chris went on listing everything what can and will happen if I don't stop playing my game of cat and mouse. The more he spoke the more I felt of surrendering myself to my mate and hiding Anthony in another pack, but what good would that do for him? Me earning my "happiness" while Anthony loses his? And when I say happiness I mean it as it's bound to happen, all because we had such a strong bond when we were young.

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