34) The Golden City (SF)

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Almost an hour an a half later we arrived to San Fransisco and found our way to private properties of land with mansions where Alpha Chain's pack was located.

"I'm sorry we couldn't escort you all here from the bridge but as you may have noticed traffic here is pretty extravagant. Lunas, young lords."

Alpha Chain kneeled in respect as did his warriors and pack members. Mace and I stood tall with Mace's pack members, Diana, Jose, Anthony, Nico, and Xavier. My boys were clinging behind their mates while Yeager stormed off to follow Alpha Chain's son who would be showing us where we were to be staying.


I yelled for him but he kept going and with the help of Nico and Xavier's warriors, that followed us, we were able to rest comfortably in our suite.


I said walking to him as he sat on the couch.

"Stop being ungrateful child and grow. Just because we couldn't meet your friend give no right to act this way. There bigger matters at hand. I am done. This not about you and you can't do what you want, do you understand me."

I growled fed up with his behavior.

His head was hanging down as his elbows rested on his knees. I could begin to feel his anger boiling as Anthony walked into the room as did everyone just watching concerned. My glowing eyes were brought back down to my eldest son when a growl escaped from his clenched jawed mouth.

"It's never about me, so tell me who is it about?"

He stood slowly but his eyes wouldn't meet mine.

"Answer me!"

He yelled making the whole house shake.


Anthony yelled.

"-Because apparently I have no clue as to who it's about!!!"

Nobody moved.

"I know who that man was."


I growled at my mom tears readying at the bridge of my waterline. Anger that I felt was a hot kettle on a stovetop ready to pop as I stared at him.

"I know who he is and you tried keeping it from us!-"

(Get out.)

My eyes became wide from shock and the little bodies of water fixated on my waterline began to fall like the rain drops on a car window.
No body was moving.

"Didn't you hear me?"

He spoke again making my limbs quiver.

"Get. Out. I don't need my son telling me shit I know."

Though the corner of my eye I saw Taine ready to come to me like he did when we were small. Before my anger got out of control and before I made him hate me. He's eyes were moving back and forth to my mom an I in a battle of who's side. He and Zeno looked scared as well confused.

"Then how about you tell us about Yakov."

I looked back pulling at my anger and that was seconds before shatter, but none of that matter when I saw my brothers.

"Tell us about his anger problems. How he used to hit you,-"

I growled feeling my alpha wolf crawl up from deep inside me. A place where I never knew I had until earlier today.


Tetya Mace called warning me as I got closer to my mother who's eye were back to his original hazel.

"Tell us how he's the alpha of the pack that 'abandoned' us at his will,-"

I spat as my mother fell onto the coffee table behind him. He's eyes wide with fear, chest rising ready to explode. But I didn't stop. Everyone was now yelling for me but I couldn't stop as I felt a powerful energy control me and Alva's ( my wolf) true alpha form awoke from slumber.

"-tell us that he's our father!! Tell me how he threw us away like garbage and you didn't tell us shit!!! Tell us that you didn't get injured trying to protect us the night you left from him. And tell me that that wasn't him at the restaurant because the Goddess knows damn too well that it was."

I screamed and snarled as I felt Zeno and Taine's pain corse through me when I mentioned our biological dad. My mom on the other hand was looking up at me with tears rolling down his cheeks that extinguished my anger and broke me down.

"Ma... tell me that you didn't sacrifice yourself again so we could live another day when you know too well that I'd give up mine for all of you."

I whispered to him finally falling to my knees and Alva fell back in my mind in shame. My brothers felt the pain as well as they walked slowly towards us and everyone left.

"...You look exactly like him..."

My moms horsed voice whispered leaning forward and caressing my cheek. Making my eyebrows furrow inward trying to kept myself together I didn't want to hear any of it. As soon as I did I felt a flick on my forehead.

"He used to do that too when angry."

He smiled making me give a sad laugh but hurt inside.


Taine spoke making my my flinch ever so slightly. Zeno looked at my mom then me crying, standing I pulled him into my arms and held him like he would fade away any second. He's arms wrapped around my torso and his head was tucked into the crook of my neck. My arm went around him as my mom began to talk.

"Da... that man at IHOP was him. His name is Yakov Avilov, Alpha of our pack Angely Nadezhdy in Russia. Our pack was one of 4 King Packs of world before the war 18 years ago, where many packs over world we wiped out; killed. After there were only 2 Kings. I never wanted you 3 to find out you were from alpha blood but sooner or later I knew one of you were going to unleash the power of a King. Yeager, you are heir to rule werewolf world along Anthony. I should have told you 3 long time ago but I couldn't."

He explained making my brothers and I exchange looks of astonishment. I was a King Alpha and I am going to rule the werewolf world with Anthony. 

"Tell is about him."

Zeno whispers changing the topic from us being royal blood to our father.

"What do you want to know?"

My mother asked waiting for us to answer as he stood up and guided us to a room to talk.

"How did you first meet him."

Taine said as we sat on bed around my mom and he spoke finally about our dad his mate.

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