Cap 5..You cant escape me.

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Xavier prov

I blink a few times to make sure I was seeing correctly.

It's the stud that the guy was picking on at the mall.

She is my assistant???.....

Fi real!!!

I try not to look too dumbfounded.

I looked over at my granddad who had a question mark stamped on his face.

I looked back at the stud who is just staring at me exactly as she did at the mall.

"small world isn't it?" I said finally breaking the silence as I put my hands in my pockets.

"you two know each other?" my granddad stated more than asked.

"well.... remember the girl at the mall I was telling you about?"

"the one the guy was interfering with?"

"yap! .... This is her" I said with a chuckle.

"ohhhh, well isn't this great!.... He said with a big smile.
"ill leave you two to get acquainted"

He turned and walked out my office closing the door behind him.

I eyed him as he smiled at me and walked through the door...
He was up to something but ill attack him later.

At this point the stud is still standing there looking at me as if she had just seen a ghost..

"are you ok?" I asked her getting a bit worried .

"awwwm... I'm sorry..i-"

She tried to apologized but paused...

"what is it that your sorry about again?" I asked her chuckling a lil out of nervousness myself.

Apart from her bad ass attire , her persona seem so fragile and soft.

Its kinda adorable if you asked me.

She didn't answer but instead just held her head down with her hands in her pockets.

"we weren't formally introduced, my name is Xavier...." I said stepping in a bit closer with my hand out for her to shake.

"I....Im Taidan.... But you can call me Caribbean" she said as she shock my hand.

"Caribbean huh!..... my granddad has been going on and on about you over the weekend.. "
I admitted, but some how he failed to mention she was a stud.

".... Oh"

"and my apology for not being present for your interview, I didn't realize we had someone else to be interviewed..... non the less, welcome to our team".

"thank you" she said sounding some what shy.

"ok , down to will be working with me most of the time but also with Mr Harris..."

I walked over to my desk to finish up the consent forms I was trying to have done by shift end.

"also.... Before I forget, there is a staff trip coming up soon and all staff members are welcome to go and bring one person. All is asked is to signed the consent forms to go on this trip.. everything is on the house so feel free tag along...... speaking of which don't you have some paper work for me?"


I turned to face her ..

"Is something wrong?" I asked her

Caribbean "Two worlds collide"Where stories live. Discover now