Chapter 1 The Beginning

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     It began like any other night. Michael and his family had just sat down for dinner when they herd screams outside there front door. Jhon (Michael's dad) opened the door only to see a man knawing on a woman's leg. The man suddenly locked eyes with him and rushed the door.

     John shut the door as quick as he could and bolted it. "Michael get the guns now!" Micheal rushed to the back of the house and quickly came back with a  22. MWR rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun. He handed the shotgun to his dad as they all ran as quick as they could to the back yard shelter.

     "Everybody inside." said Michael as he counted everyone off one by one. "Alright big sis, mom, and dad came in after me so that's everyone." After an hour or two of no activity and nothing coming out of the house, along with the fact they only had two days of canned food down there. Micheal got the ok from his parents to go into the house to get a couple of blankets and some water.

     While he was searching the house for any infected he found his friends dead body next to the basement door. He must have come to find him after the outbreak. As much as he hated doing it he searched his body for anything useful.

     The only thing he found was a switchblade. It wasn't much but he could use it in a hand to hand combat situations. After he returned to the shelter he took the first night shift and stood watch outside the shelter and as Michael stood there he couldn't help but think. "Ware had all of those things gone to?" He wonder aloud. He thought about this all night until the crack of dawn. They also took shifts during the day just to make sure none of them were still out there.

     The same thing happen that night. There was nothing nowhere and even the bugs weren't chirping. So when the sun came up John decided to go scavenging and look for survivors around the neighborhood. He found nothing not one infected person. All he found was a bunch of Dead body's. Most of them he new because it was a small neighborhood.

     That night during Johns shift he told everyone that he was going to go down to the basement and as Michael laid there on the cold concrete floor of the shelter he couldn't get the thought of we're all those infected could have gone until he put all the clues together. There were none in the neighborhood that they could find,the last they saw of them they had just broken into the house,they didn't have an attic and he found his dead friend next to the basement door. Then it hit him as to were they were.

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