~ Not mean, brutally honest ~

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"I don't understand, Noah hasn't texted me in a few days. Before that, we would text on a regular basis." Olivia sighed as she stared down at her phone.

"Maybe that's a good thing." Brooke sighed as she looked in the mirror at school. "You probably just dodged a bullet. I mean, look at you. You're so hot, and he's so not."

"Brooke, don't be mean." Riley said to her.

"Not mean. Brutally honest." Brooke corrected her. "It's a different shade of mean. Speaking of." Brooke smirk as she lifted up an all too familiar lipstick container.

"Wait, is that Nina's lipstick?" Riley questioned her.

"Yeah, well someone has to fulfill the lipstick power vacuum." Brooke smiled as she put on the lipstick. "Oh, come on. She'd love that I was carrying on her legacy. Right, Em?" Emma didn't answer. "Em?"

All three girls turned to look at her. "What?" She questioned them.

"What is with you?" Brooke asked her.

"Emma, you okay?" Olivia asked her.

"You're not beating yourself up about that St Mary's chick, are you?" Brooke sighed as she spoke. "I'm sorry for Audrey, but it wasn't any of our faults."

"No." Emma shook her head. "I just can't believe that Nina's gone, you know?"

"She's with us in spirit." Riley spoke softly.

The girls, after that, walked out of the bathroom only to be bombarded by Will. "Hey, Emma. You've got a second?" Emma nodded.

Brooke grabbed Olivia's arm, and walked over to her locker. "Please tell me you didn't give Jake a second chance." Brooke sighed.

"What if I did?" Olivia smiled as she spoke.

"I know I already insulted you're creepy little slasher movie fan, but you could do so much better than Jake." Brooke opened her locker slowly. "I just don't think he's the one you want to be wasting your second chances on."

"Brooke, I like him, and he likes me." Olivia smiled at her friend. "I don't see why I should be worried."

"He already made you upset after like a day, imagine what he could have done after a month." Brooke stated as she shut her locker, having gotten all the things she needed. "Let's get to class."

The two walked in and saw Jake sitting in his normal seat next to Olivia's with a smile on his face. "What's got you in such a good mood?" Olivia smiled back at him.

"I get to see you, why shouldn't I be in a good mood?" Jake winked at her as the bell rang.

"Aristotle asked, why are we here?" Branson stated as he started his next lecture. "What is the meaning of life in the face of death." He rummaged through different things in his room, trying to find the dirty picture Brooke had left for him.

"I bet Tyler's wondering the same thing right about now." Jake stated with his signature smirk.

"Thank you, Jake." Branson mumbled. Jake chuckled, and was given a few high fives.

"Aristotle, also, understood that volatile relationships, well, they can lead to tragedy." Branson continued on.

"Looking for something, Mr. B?" Brooke smirked as he looked behind the tv.

He froze for a second before continuing on. "We're all looking for something, Brooke." He moved to another place to look. "See, desire, that's at the heart of drama. Love, power, money." He searched a new place with each word. "I'm talking about Jason and Madea. I'm talking about Antony and Cleopatra. I'm talking about Emma and Kieran."

Screaming To  Death ¥ Noah FosterWhere stories live. Discover now