Prologue: A Story In The Castle Of The Two Sisters

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Present Day: Sometime After Season Five: Halloween

         Zecora is taking some foals to The Castle Of The Two Sisters. About thirty foals are following her.

          The forest is dark and spooky, but Halloween made it seem darker and spookier. The moon is full, but the sky is cloudy.

           The foals are dressed in a variety of costumes. Quite a few fillies are dressed like Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Otherwise there are pirates, zombies, ghosts, bat ponies, wonder bolts, bugs, Celestias, and even a little Luna.

            "Foals as we go, you might as well know. There might be no wall, so please try not to fall. This castle's in ruin, that is Nightmare Moon's doin'," Zecora warned the foals.

            Some of the foals nod or respond. Most of the foals are to scared to listen or respond. The foals in the back feel safer towards the back end of the group. The Elements of Harmony Carriers (Twilight, Apple Jack, Flutter shy, Pinky Pie, Rarity) are back there making sure the kids are safe. The Ever Green Forest isn't really safe for little foals.

             The castle starts coming into view. Once they reach the edge of the trench, a rustling sound comes from the left side of the group. it can't be Rainbow Dash she is flying above the group. She's keeping  a close eye out for anything strange or dangerous. What could it be? Fillies start to bolt across the bridge. Soon other foals join in the bolting. Everypony was running for their lives as they cross the bridge.

               Soon all the ponies are on the castle side of the bridge. Once the last one steps off the bridge the ropes snap. Most of the foals start to panic. They cry and/or scream.

               A small earth pony turns around to look at the castle. He sees something move from with in the walls. He starts to back away slowly and then turns and darts off the edge of the trench. The mist is super thick so he didn't see the edge.

               "Rainbow!" Twilight shouts at Rainbow Dash who is gloating about how awesome she is.

               Rainbow Dash takes one glance at the trench and takes a dive for the hole. She was flying above the trench before she took her dive. The little colt is screaming ear-piercing shrills. All of the ponies cover their ears. Then all of a sudden the screaming stops.

              All the ponies heard is the slow wing flaps of a sad Pegasus. The ponies have small thoughts about the worst that could of happened.

             "Hey, everypony," Rainbow Dash starts sounding like she is going to cry. She is mostly muffled by the mist though. Those thoughts start to get bigger.

             "I'm sorry to tell you this, but," the mist starts to clear a little as she flies forward, "I caught him!"

               A smile spreads across her face. She starts laughing while setting down the frightened colt. Rainbow Dash starts laughing so hard she can't fly. She falls to the ground rolling around on the ground.

                 Pinky and some fillies dressed as her start to laugh and smile with Rainbow. Some just look plain confused. Everypony else just rolls their eyes or sighs an annoyed sigh.

                 "Okay everypony let's follow Zecora into the castle. Rainbow Dash was that really necessary?" Twilight complains.

                  Zecora starts walking towards the big castle door.She starts walking around the old ruined castle like she is giving a tour almost. Most of the foals are scared or confused.

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