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   "5 years ago, twins Hannah and Beth Washington, disappeared mysteriously one night. They ran out into a snow storm and were never seen again. Their friends came back after a year, only to have the twins brother- Josh Washington- to go insane and torture all his friends. When they were pulled in for questioning, a lot of them talked about a monster called the 'wendigo', and that they should search the mines. They found a 'survivor' which happened to be Josh, be he had turned into a 'wendigo'. The 7 friends were injured in some way, and a lot of them were messed up after the incident, I wish I could talk to them. Their parents do own this mountain, and the lodge was on fire when the helicopter came to pick up the group of teens, so they rebuilt it, surprisingly they built it so it was the exact same as the old lodge"

    "Two questions, one: are we staying at the new lodge?" I nod. "Two: it's not really a question but... More info on the 'wendigos'?" I nod again.

    "To turn into a wendigo, you have to resort to cannibalism while in the mountain. The spirit of a wendigo will enter your body. Your teeth will grow and become razor sharp, while you will grow in size and your skin will stretch out over your slim body. You grow claws and have a craving for flesh and blood. The only way to kill a wendigo is to burn it- they say a man lived here for a long time, catching all of the wendigos- they are able to imitate their prey/humans because they are mutated humans- At the sanatorium on the mountain, the experimented by giving patients flesh to eat and observing them- they can sound like anyone and trick you into following their voice, then they catch you. They make it so you are unable to move. Then they rip the skin off your body... Piece by piece... Then they eat your organs, slowly, making you watch the process. But if need be, they decapitate you and drag your body off to eat you, leaving your head for people passing by" I smirk. "You guys scared yet?" I ask.

    "No way. That shit isn't real. Just an old wives tail" Phil says. "It's the same thing, 8 friends going out to this cabin for a good time. Better hope we don't get snowed in with no food... I might eat one of you and turn into a wendigo, then hunt you all down and eat the flesh off your bones!" I laugh. "You are so obsessed with that crap" Phil laughs. "The only thing I really want to do, is talk to the group of friends that were here 5 years ago. Ask them what happened and what they saw. Why the lodge was on fire and if the wendigos actually exist" I say, looking out the window of the cable car. "Just think about it, 5 year ago, this whole thing happened to this group of teens. They sat in this cable car and probably talked about the great things they were gonna do, unknowing that they were gonna have a night of hell" Phil raises an eyebrow. "What were their names?"

    "Josh, Sam, Chris, Ashley, Emily, Matt, Mike, and Jess. 8 friends, unprepared for the shit they were gonna go through" I say. "Apparently the Josh guy, pretended to cut himself in half with this saw as part of revenge for his friends playing a prank of his sister and causing her to run out into the storm, then the other sister to chase after her. He caught one of the girls and made one guy choose who lives"

    "That's some saw bullshit" Phil says. "It really is! We are able to visit the shed that it happens in. I heard they never cleaned it out, so maybe we can see all the fake gore" I smirk. "Well, I just know that we won't have psycho on our hands because none of our sisters have died from some dumb prank"

    "We might have some wendigos though!" I laugh. "You are insane" Phil laughs. "Maybe I will be the psycho and pretend to cut myself in half" I chuckle evilly. "Maybe. If anyone were to really go crazy, it would be Jack" I nod and laugh. "For sure"

    "He wouldn't pretend anything though. He would probably stab us all to death"

    "Yup. I also heard, he made this poor guy choose to shoot himself or his girlfriend. This dude had to make some tough choices"

    "How old would they be now?" I counted in my head. "23-25. They probably don't want us to ask them questions about their experience! They don't want to be reminded of all the shit that went down. As much as I want to ask them, it would be mean" I explain.

    "They probably would be fine now" I look at him wide eyed. "After only 5 years? I heard the girl who was tied up next to Josh when he faked cutting himself half, still goes to therapy because of what happened. A lot of them still go to therapy. I've looked up a wendigo, they are scary as shit. And then the thing with Josh would probably mess you up"

    He sighs. "Can we stop talking about all that stuff?" I smirk. "Why... You scared?" He shakes his head. "No way! But don't talk about that shit around Ro" I nod. "That would scare the crap out of her, I know" I roll my eyes.

    "We're here" Phil stands up and opens the door. "After you" I laugh. "Why thank you!" He walks out after me and closes the door behind him.

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