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Tom carried Em back to the lodge while Nathan and I stayed behind them. We made it to the lodge without any more encounters with the wendigo.

"Thank god you're back! We were ready to go out and look for you!" Anna runs up to us and gasps as she sees Em. "Oh my god what happened?" Tom sets her on the couch. "Okay you guys might not believe me. Doesn't matter cause you will" I start. They all look at me confused.

"You guys have heard about the wendigos right? And the last group of friends that stayed here?" They all nod. "Good cause I don't want to explain it..." I mutter. "Well, I've had a few experiences with them tonight" most of them look afraid. "But they don't exist! The last group of friends, one of them played a prank on the others that messed with their heads!" Jane speaks up.

"Another reason why you should believe me. No one played a prank on us and messed with our heads" I say. "Then, another reason is Em here. What else could do that to her?" I gesture to Em on the couch.

"Well we won't know until she speaks up huh!" Jane says. "Do you not believe me?" I ask. "No I just... I'm very skeptical. Those things don't exist!" I laugh dryly. "Well they do exist. I've seen one with my own damn eyes" I hiss.

"I saw it too" Nathan speaks up. "Fucking creepy as hell" he mutters. "It..." Em says quietly. "It... Took me... Wendigo" she shakes her head slightly. "There ya go. Three people have said they have seen it. That enough proof for you?" I look at Jane and she nods. "Sorry, I didn't try to sound rude or anything!"

"I know" I sigh. "I'm just kinda shaken up at the moment" I say. "I know" she says.

"What's the plan?" Jack says, causing everyone to look at me. "I have to think of a plan!? I don't know!" I say flustered. "I say we leave as soon as possible. Rowan, you know the most about the... wendigos... So you have to help us, when is it safe to leave?" Nathan says. "They only 'hunt' at night, so we have to wait until dawn" I explain.

"What are we supposed to do until then?" Jane asks. Her question is answered by a screech from outside. "Stay inside and away from windows" I say as I look over at the closest window. "Nobody. Fucking. Move" I say through clenched teeth.

The wendigo is right outside the window, looking in. It screeches again before walking off. "Well" I turn to everybody. "Hope that's enough proof for you Jane" I laugh without emotion.

"Holy shit it was right there" Jane says. "It came this close to my face" I smirk as I hold my hand a few inches from my face, and everyone's eyes grow wide except Nathan's. "Yeah, it got pretty close to our faces" he says.

"Oh my god, why can't the sun rise quicker!" Anna whines.

Jack wraps his arms around her, Tom tends to Em, and Jane and Philip sitting next to each other, Philip lamely flirting with her.

"God this night has been crazy as fuck.. All we need is someone to go insane" I chuckle dryly. "Or the wendigos to break in" I hold a hand up to Nathan's face. "Don't fucking say shit like that" he chuckles. "Sorry, trying to make lame conversation" I smirk. Is he flirting? At least he's better than Phil.

"Not many things to talk about but that kinda stuff I guess" I say as he sits down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "How long do we have to wait?" Jack asks. I pull out my phone and look at the time. "Like three more hours" I say.

"Ugh!" Anna groans.

Time skip to dawn cause I don't know what to have them do for 3 hours XD

"I think we can go now..." I say as I look out the window at the rising sun. "Finally!" Anna huffs out as she stands up. "But we still have to be careful! The sun is just rising so it might still be out there" I say and they nod. We grab our backpacks and begin to walk down the path to the cable car.

I hear the bushes rustling in front of us and I stop. "Shh" I whisper as we stand still.

A deer jumps out and runs across the path with the wendigo chasing after it. "Jesus... We need to get going" I mumble.

We all walk as fast as we can to the cable car. When we get there, I realize. "The cable car can't support us all eight of us at one time" I say. "She's right" Phil says. "How many is of us can it support at one time?" Jane asks. "Like four, maybe five" I say.

"Ok, Tom and Em, you guys obviously go first, with Anna and Jack" they nod and carefully get on the cable car. "When you get there, wait for us" I say before closing the door and pushing the button. It slowly makes its way down the mountain.

"Well, let's never come back here again" Jane says and I chuckle. "I agree, I'm just glad the wendigo didn't tear any of us to pieces" I say. "Yeah but it messed up Em" Nathan speaks up. "I know, but she's tough. She'll get through it" he nods.

In the cable car with the others
Third person POV
"Why is this thing so damn slow!" Jack says angrily. Anna just huffs in response.

"Yeah, I'd really like to get away from this mountain asap" Tom says, holding Em in his arms as she nods slowly.

The cable car stops abruptly and they all carefully get out. Jack closes the door behind him and presses the button so it can go back up to the others.

On the mountain with the others
Rowan's POV
"Hey, the cable car is almost here" Jane says. "Finally" Phil mumbles. "That thing is as slow as a snail" he says. "Slower than a snail" Jane says as she stands up.

It stops and I open the door. "Alright, everyone on" I stand off to the side and let everyone walk in. Nathan chuckles and grabs my hand as he walks by.

I close the door and press the button for it to begin its descent. "You guys were right... This thing is so fucking slow" Nathan laughs.

"Don't notice how slow it is until we want to get out of here in a hurry" he says and I nod. He squeezes my hand for reassurance and I smile at him. He looks over at Phil and Jane then back at me. I raise an eyebrow and look at them.

I smirk when I see Jane leaning her head on Phil's shoulder. I give him a thumbs up and he just rolls his eyes.

We wait for what seems like hours before the cable car finally stops and we are able to get out.

I open the door for everyone and close is behind them. "They better have waited for us" I mumble as we walk out of the station. I look to the left to see them sitting on the bench.

"Finally" Jack huffs out as we walk out. "You can say that again" I mumble as we begin to walk to the gate.

We head towards our cars(Jack's and Nathan's) and hop in quickly. Jane, Phil, Nathan and I in one car and Tom, Em, Anna, and Jack is the other.

Jack sped off first, us close behind. "I'm so glad we are finally driving away. So much for a fun weekend" I say. Nathan nods but keeps his eyes on the road as he grabs my hand. I smile.

"I'm just glad none of us ended up dead"

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