2- Where's Jack?

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"Is anyone here yet or is it just us?" He asks as we begin to walk down the path. "I don't know. Guess we'll find out" I say.

As we walk down the path, someone jumps out if the bushes. "AHH!" Phil and I scream. "Jack you asshole!" I say. He laughs hysterically. "You guys should have seen your faces! You were so scared!" He wipes away the tears from laughing to much.

"I wasn't scared!" Phil says. "Oh please, you were ready to run if it was an actual killer or something" I say to him. "Whatever" he mumbles. "Anyway" I turn back to Jack. "Has anyone else go up to the lodge yet?" I ask him. "Yup, and I've scared all of them" he laughs. "God you're so annoying" I mumble. "But you love me" he wraps an arm around my shoulders. "I don't know..." I laugh. "Fine I guess"

"I'm gonna go meet the rest of them at the cable car. See yah!" He says as he runs down the path. "So, on a scale of 1-10 how scared were you?" I chuckle. "I wasn't scared! So 1" Phil says. "You were like an 11 and I was a 7" I say and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Sup guys?" Phil says as we walk up to the lodge. "Hey" Tom mumbles as we walk by. "Tom seems... Not happy" I say to Phil. "Talk to him once we get inside" he says as we walk up the steps to the door. "Speaking of getting inside... Why is no one inside?" I ask Nathan who is jiggling the handle and trying to get the door open. "Locks frozen"

"Of course" I mumble. "Alright, let's go find a way in. This place has a back door right?" I say. Nathan nods. "But I think the lock might be frozen on that too" he turns to me. "Only one way to find out" I begin to walk down the steps and around the house to the back door with the boys close behind.

"See" I say as I open the back door. "Not frozen" we walk in and head to the front door. "How are we gonna hear the lock up?" Nathan asks. "That's a good question..." I say, trying to think.

"I have an idea" Phil says. "What?" I turn and look at him. "Nate, you remember how we used to use the hairspray and lighter as a flamethrower" I shake my head. "This already sounds like a bad idea" he shushes me. "We could use that on the lock to heat it up"

"And burn the whole place down? No way" I say. "You have a better idea?" He asks and I stay silent. "Exactly. Let's go get some" Phil says as He and Nathan walk off. "Ugh" I sigh as I follow behind them.

"What the hell was that?" I say loudly and aim my flashlight out the window "What?" Phil asks as him and Nathan walk up behind me. "I swear I saw something in the trees... Like a shadow of someone or something" I say. "It's probably just your imagination" Nathan says and walks off. "Or maybe just an animal. I heard they have a lot of deer around here" Phil says before following Nathan.

But I knew I had seen something, and it was not a deer. I also read somewhere that there were less and less deer showing up around... You shook the thought away and ran to catch up with Phil and Nathan.

"You guys found some yet?" I yell. "Yeah in here!" I hear Nathan yell from a room down the hall.

I walk in to see no one. "Um, guys?" I see the hairspray on the counter so I walk over to grab it when Nathan jumps out. "AHH!" I yell and jump back as Phil comes out of his hiding spot and they both begin laughing. "Holy shit? You guys are assholes" I say. "I fucking hate you right now" I mumble.

"Hey! Don't act like that!" Nathan says. "Why did you scare me after I saw that thing outside!? That scared me enough" I crossed my arms and pouted. "Hey, it was nothing. And even if it was, I would protect you" I smirk as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Okay step back from my sister now" I laugh as Phil grabs Nathan's arm and pulls him away.

Phil grabs the can of hairspray and walks out of the room. "Any of you have a lighter?" I ask as we walk back down the stairs to the front door. Nathan pulls one out of his jacket pocket and twirls it around in his fingers. He throws it to Phil who uses it on the frozen lock.

He opens the door to show a few of our friends shaking from the cold. "Come on in" I smile as they all walk in. "Tom, you ok?" I ask as he walks through the door. "I'm fine" he says, a bit angrily. "Alright then" I mumble.

"Hey... Where's Jack?"

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